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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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27 July 1992; Vol: 65 Iss: 3325
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27 Jul 1992 (blank)
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Vol 65 Iss: 3325
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Index Bureau-Printed Errors Well Documented United States: Precancels Dilmond Postlewait
Index Canada Honors Immigrants on Its Stamps CANADA: Scott 1326-1329a Larry McInnis
Index Champion of Liberty Subject Goes Home United States: Scott 1159-60 Hotchner, John M.
Index Cinderella CINDERELLA: Hotchner, John M.
Index Computer Could Link Expertizing Services Expertizing: Lester Winick
Index Dummy Test Coil Variety Printed on BEP's B Press United States: COIL, TEST Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index Earth Summit [Feb 25, 92] Brazil: Hatton, Denise
Index Fabric Weave in Ticker-dater Cancels United States: Postal Markings Graham, Richard B.
Index Focus on Forgeries Netherlands Indies 75c on 1-gulden Airmail Surcharge of 1928 Scott C4 Netherlands East Indies: Scott C4, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Inking-in Roller Changes for 29c Stamp (Flag Over White House) United States: Scott 2609 Lawrence, Ken
Index Liechtenstein to Show Ferns [Sep 7, 92] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FLORA, FERNS anon
Index More Variable-Rate Stamp Sites United States: COIL, VARIABLE RATE anon
Index Netherlands 100th Anniversary of Pediatric Society NETHERLANDS: Hatton, Denise
Index New Firearms Transfer Revenues United States: SC RY Martin, Peter
Index New PMG Runyon Ends Olympic Sponsorship United States: United States Postal Service Griffith, Gary
Index No New Stamps from Iraq for Two Years IRAQ: Hatton, Denise
Index Panama Fonteyn [Mar 12, 92] PANAMA: Hatton, Denise
Index Patent Issued for Protecting a Stamp United States: PATENT Alvin Guttag
Index Penalty Mail Switchover Extended by Year to 1992 United States: OFFICIAL Lawrence, Ken
Index Puerto Rico 1893 Columbus Stamp Used One Day PUERTO RICO: David E. Nye
Index Rosende Resigns from PF PHILATELIST: ROSENDE, ROBERTO M. Schreiber, Michael
Index Shanghai Municipal Stamps of 1865- 93 CHINA: SHANGHAI Rogers, Michael
Index Slovenia First Anniversary of Independence [Jun 25, 92] SLOVENIA: Hatton, Denise
Index United States 1869 12c Fake Surfaces United States: Scott 116, Forgeries and Counterfeits Laurence, Michael
Index United States 1869 12c Fake Surfaces Forgeries and Counterfeits: United States, Scott 116 Laurence, Michael