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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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31 August 1992; Vol: 65 Iss: 3330
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31 Aug 1992 (blank)
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Vol 65 Iss: 3330
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Index Sudan's Camel Post stamps span three centuries pp. 32-33 SUDAN: PNDX75Ghessan Riachi
Index Christmas stamps smell like apple and tree Topical: CHRISTMAS PNDX75unsigned
Index Nondenominational Liberty stamps issued December 8 with little notice p 13 Topical: STATUE OF LIBERTY PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index Nondenominational Liberty stamps issued December 8 with little notice p 13 United States: Scott 3965-3975a PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index Our Philatelic Heritage p 11 Dealers: LEVITT, ANDREW PNDX75Neil, Randy L.
Index Surcharged Chinese revenue sells for $341,200 in Spink auction p. 1 CHINA: Scott 83 PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index USPS unveils 2006 commemorative designs; Comics, Motorcycles, 40 Wonders of America p. 1, 22 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX75Richard Thomas Bigalke, Jay
Index Beckley collection exceed $2.5 million at auction p. 2 United States: AUCTION, BECKLKEY PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index Beckley collection exceed $2.5 million at auction p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott C3a PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index Beckley collection exceed $2.5 million at auction p. 2 United States: Scott 172 PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index Beckley collection exceed $2.5 million at auction p. 2 United States: Scott 319f PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index Linn's produced Christmas souvenir folders in 1960s p. 3 PUBLICATION: LINN'S PNDX75Joseph E. Foley
Index Zazzle stamp saga [letter] p. 4 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX75Gerald M. Levitt
Index Poughkeepsie Christmas seal an imitation p. 6 United States: CINDERELLA MATERIAL, SEALS PNDX75Hotchner, John M.
Index Rate-change stationery, 39c Liberty and Flag coils p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX75unsigned
Index Swedish counterfeits p. 8 SWEDEN: Forgeries and Counterfeits PNDX75unsigned
Index Andrew Levitt, 1940-2005 Obituaries: Levitt, Andrew  
Index Andy Levitt, 1940-2005 p. 8 Dealers: LEVITT, ANDREW PNDX75unsigned
Index Preston R. Tisch, 1926-2005 p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), Postmaster General PNDX75McAllister, Bill
Index Processing plant consolidations announced p. 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX75McAllister, Bill
Index Washington postmaster cancels stamps on nickel rolls p. 15 PHILATELY: PNDX75Lester Winick
Index Many choices for computer generated album pages p. 16 ALBUM: PNDX75Sharpe, William F.
Index World of New Issues: Christmas stamps smell like apple and tree Topical Collecting: Christmas: Iceland, Aland, Brazil, Bermuda McCarty, Denise
Index Post card documents short-lived intersection of rates p. 22 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates, Picture Post Card PNDX75Richard Thomas Fricke, Charles A.
Index Swiss pairs, triptychs provide collecting challenges p. 24 SWITZERLAND: PNDX75Carlson R. Chambliss
Index Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra p. 28 United States: Scott 2849 PNDX75Richard Thomas
Index Holiday music makes a great stamp topic p. 34 Topical: MUSIC PNDX75Klug, Janet
Index Six more bright blue Snowy Egrets p. 35 United States: Scott 3830 PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index Local handstamp [letter] p. 36 IRAN: CINDERELLA MATERIAL, LOCAL PNDX75John Phillips
Index New book: Lake Champlain steamboat mail p. 46 United States: Postal History, MARITIME PNDX75Graham, Richard B.
Index Get the Palestine blues p. 58 PALESTINE: Scott 1 PNDX75Henry Gitner & George Baily