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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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16 November 1992; Vol: 65 Iss: 3341
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16 Nov 1992 (blank)
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Vol 65 Iss: 3341
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Index First Postage Meters and Their Stamps, The United States: Metered Mail Doug Kelsey
Index Focus on Forgeries Iran (Persia) 1882 5-franc Shah Nasr-ed-Din Issue Scott 58 Forgeries and Counterfeits: IRAN, Scott 58 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Iran (Persia) 1882 5-franc Shah Nasr-ed-Din Issue Scott 58 IRAN: Scott 58, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Guernsey Stamps Depict Streetcard from 1879- 1934 United Kingdom, Great Britain: CHANNEL ISLANDS, GUERNSEY anon
Index H.E. Harris Issues New Catalog DEALER: HARRIS, H. E. anon
Index Linn's Test Coil Offer a Remarkable Success United States: COIL, TEST Laurence, Michael
Index Mark M. Cassidy 1903- 1992 PHILATELIST: CASSIDY, Mark M. anon
Index Maximum Cards Combine Several Elements MAXIMAPHILY: Rod, Steven J.
Index New Exportas and a Text to Go with Them MEXICO: Pulver, Dale
Index New Zealand Self- Adhesives NEW ZEALAND: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Postmasters, Ducks, Fish and a Radio Card PHILATELY: Herst, Herman Jr.
Index Some Basics about Postal Counterfeits United States: Forgeries and Counterfeits Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index St. Petersburg Overprints RUSSIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Stamp Day [Sep 22, 92] ITALY: Scott 1913 Hatton, Denise
Index Stamps Can Be Used to Retell ' Casablanca' THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA Arthur Middlestadt
Index Typographed Stamps for Colonies in 1904 FRENCH COLONIES: Schreiber, Michael
Index U.S. Test Coils Have Been Used Since 1910 United States: COIL, TEST Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index Varieties on Iceland's Postal Stationery ICELAND: Postal Stationery John Lindholm
Index World Wide Receiver Asks Court for Set Aside as part of Defense DEALER: WORLD WIDE CLASSICS, FRAUD Schreiber, Michael
Index WWII: U.S. APOs in Iran, Iraq and Ukraine United States: Postal History, MILITARY, World War II, Iran, Iraq, APOs provides location map of APOsGraham, Richard B.
Index Almost Complete Change in USPS Philatelic Staff United States: United States Postal Service Griffith, Gary
Index Andrew T. Cavacos 1907- 1992 PHILATELIST: CAVACOS, ANDREW T. anon
Index Australia Post's Stamp Gang AUSTRALIA: anon
Index Confederate Hallettsville, Texas Provisional United States: Scott 37X1 O'Keefe, Donna