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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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07 December 1992; Vol: 65 Iss: 3344
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7 Dec 1992 (blank)
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Vol 65 Iss: 3344
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Index Explanation of Swedish Booklet Markings SWEDEN: BOOKLET Dan Barber
Index First-night-flight Covers Get Little Respect United States: Air Mail, First Flight Cover Dan Barber
Index Forum Update SAUDI ARABIA: Revenues, ROAD TAX anon
Index Fun Cinderella: Tiny Town Post Office, A CINDERELLA: TINY TOWN POST OFFICE Laurence, Michael
Index German Astronomer on Taiwanese Stamp [Dec 10 92] CHINA: ROC Dan Barber
Index German Submarine Mail of World War I GERMANY: Postal History, SUBMARINE Baumann, Fred W.
Index Japanese Occupation of the Philippines PHILIPPINES: Postal History, OCCUPATION, JAPANESE Graham, Richard B.
Index Joseph of Nazareth United States: Scott 1414 Richard Thomas
Index Joseph of Nazareth THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS Richard Thomas
Index Mystic Stamp Co. Award Three Grants for Projects DEALER: MYSTIC STAMP COMPANY Donald Sundman
Index New Publishing Firm PRINTER: SINE Richard Sine
Index Richard Russell Printer's Waste Turns Up on Commercial Cover United States: Scott 1853var Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index Tilton Wins Lidman Prize for Philatelic Writing WRITER: TILTON, DAVID V. anon
Index Tonga Sacred Bats [Oct 20 92] TONGA: Hatton, Denise
Index Twelve-nation European Unity Stamps EUROPE: Hatton, Denise
Index U.S. Liberty Torch Self-adhesive Stamps Now Known in Three Different Varieties United States: Scott 2531A Wayne L. Youngblood & Charles Yeager
Index U.S. Stamp Commemorates Military Defeat United States: SC 688 LaMarre, Thomas S.
Index USSR Stamps No Longer Valid RUSSIA: Postal History Hatton, Denise
Index Walt Disney Covers of the 1940s Found THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DISNEY Lawrence, Ken
Index 29c Stamp to Say Around Says PMG Marvin Runyon United States: United States Postal Service Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index BEP Forms Technology Institute United States: Bureau of Engraving and Printing anon
Index Bunny Kaplan, 1923- 1992 PHILATELIST: KAPLAN, BERENICE anon
Index Charles Fitz and Robert Lana Win 1992 SEPAD Merit Awards PHILATELIST: FITZ, CHARLES anon
Index Charles Fitz and Robert Lana Win 1992 SEPAD Merit Awards PHILATELIST: LANA, ROBERT anon
Index EKKO Seals United States: CINDERELLA, RADIO Hotchner, John M.