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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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01 February 1993; Vol: 66 Iss: 3352
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1 Feb 1993
Number of Pages:
Vol 66 Iss: 3352
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Index Rosende Resigns as CCNY Board Member PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: Collectors Club of New York Rod, Steven J.
Index Six Ukrainian Stamps Were Printed in Canada UKRAINE: Christopher Guly
Index Stamp Overprinting Serves Many Purposes Overprints: Rod, Steven J.
Index Stamps of Sioux Tribes Move to New Level United States: Revenues, SIOUX Bob Dumaine
Index Swiss Women Say Stamp Exploits Women SWITZERLAND: Hatton, Denise
Index Tuva Cinderellas Commemorate Feynman TANNU TUVA: Denis Hatton
Index USPS to Issue Two 1993 Commemoratives in Same Format as 1992 New Year's Issue United States: United States Postal Service Charles Yeager
Index Britain and Guernsey Show Rupert Bear [Feb 2 93] United Kingdom, Great Britain: anon
Index Covers Make U.S.-Great Britain Connection United States: Postal History, United Kingdom, Great Britain Hotchner, John M.
Index Crimea CRIMEA: Hatton, Denise
Index F.W. Doolittle Jr, 1911- 1992 PHILATELIST: DOOLITTLE Jr, F.W. anon
Index Germania Types GERMANY: Scott 83 Baumann, Fred W.
Index Hallmark Gives $200,000 and Loan of Items to Stamp Museum United States: MUSEUM anon
Index Hidden Dates on Antique Toys United States: Scott 2710-18 Schreiber, Michael
Index Josef Albers, Painter and Art Theoretician United States: Scott 1833 Richard Thomas
Index Mystery Cancel Surfaces in Dayton United States: Postal Markings, OHIO, DAYTON anon
Index New 19c Fishing Boat Details [plate A5555 Dec 92] United States: Scott 2529a Charles Yeager
Index New Books: Chicago-Area Postal History United States: Postal History, ILLINOIS, CHICAGO Graham, Richard B.
Index New Caledonia [Nov 27 92] NEW CALEDONIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Postal Rates and Mail Handling in Poland POLAND: Postal History, Postal Rates Hines, Terence
Index Presely Birthplace Activities in Tupelo THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC Lawrence, Ken