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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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14 June 1993; Vol: 66 Iss: 3371
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14 Jun 1993
Number of Pages:
Vol 66 Iss: 3371
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Index ANCO Firm Names Shaw President of H.E. Harris DEALER: HARRIS, H.E. anon
Index Premature Releases Continue to Increase United States: Earliest Known Use Laurence, Michael
Index Errors, Freaks, Oddities of Great Britain United Kingdom, Great Britain: EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities Rosenblum , Larry & Alderfer, David
Index Readers Write about Their Photocopies FDCs United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index Focus on Forgeries Iran (Persia) 1882 Sun regular Issues Scott 50- 53 Forgeries and Counterfeits: IRAN,: PERSIA, Scott 50-53 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Spanish Revenue [ letter] SPAIN: Revenues Fred Williams
Index Focus on Forgeries Iran (Persia) 1882 Sun regular Issues Scott 50- 53 IRAN: PERSIA, Scott 50-53, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Thematic Collecting Can Be Quite Diverse THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: Hotchner, John M.
Index Greenland to Issue Semipostals GREENLAND: Scott B anon
Index Tierra del Fuego Local Stamp ARGENTINA: CINDERELLA, TIERRA DEL FUEGO Williams, L.N.
Index Greenland to Issue Semipostals THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: RED CROSS anon
Index Tierra del Fuego Local Stamp CHILE: CINDERELLA, TIERRA DEL FUEGO Williams, L.N.
Index Guernsey Stamps Honor Printer De La Rue United Kingdom, Great Britain: CHANNEL ISLANDS, GUERNSEY Hatton, Denise
Index Tierra del Fuego Local Stamp TIERRA DEL FUEGO: CINDERELLA Williams, L.N.
Index Indonesian Butterfly [Apr 20 93] INDONESIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Two Ceremonies for Federal Duck Stamp Showing Canvasbacks United States: SC RW anon
Index Interview with CSAC Chairwoman Noelke United States: United States Postal Service, Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) Baadke, Michael
Index U.S. Army Air Force in Europe and Africa United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index New Book on Nevada Checks May Start Trend United States: Revenues, Nevada Friedberg, Richard
Index Why a 29c Stamp? [ letter] United States: Scott 1605 Timothy Carroll
Index New USA, WWII, Flowers, Fort Used Early United States: Earliest Known Use Schreiber, Michael
Index PM Overprints Were Created to Solve a Military Postal Problem ITALY: Scott M2-13, MCE1, ME1 Robert E. Lana
Index Polish Post Did Outstanding Job at Polska EXHIBITION: POLSKA 93 Nicholas Shestople