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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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26 July 1993; Vol: 66 Iss: 3377
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26 Jul 1993
Number of Pages:
Vol 66 Iss: 3377
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Index Canceled-to-Order United Nations Stamps United Nations: Canceled to Order Lawrence, Ken
Index Charles A. Lindbergh Pictured at Last on U.S. Stamp THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: PERSONALITY, LINDBERGH Baumann, Fred W.
Index Flag with Olympic Rings [ varieties] United States: Scott 2528 Baadke, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia Railroad Train Semipostal of 1922 Scott B36 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Scott B36 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia Railroad Train Semipostal of 1922 Scott B36 RUSSIA: Scott B36, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Iraq Issued Three Definitive Stamps in April IRAQ: Hatton, Denise
Index Last Two New Designs before Nationalists Fled CHINA: Scott Rogers, Michael
Index Lester G. Shepard 1912- 1993 PHILATELIST: SHEPARD, LESTER G. anon
Index New Postal Museum Offers Many Displays Other Than Stamps United States: MUSEUM Charles Yeager
Index Norilsk Overprints, Surcharges Soviet Stamps RUSSIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Plate Numbers and United States Precancels United States: Precancels Dilmond D. Postlewait
Index Postal Service Wins in Baseball Stamp Ruling United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Seaway Inverts Found in Smiths Falls, Ont. CANADA: Scott 387a Larry McInnis
Index Self-adhesive Penalty Imprint United States: United States Postal Service, SELF-ADHESIVE anon
Index Space Fantasy Stamps Show Various Freaks United States: Scott 2745a Schreiber, Michael
Index St Isabel Association Anniversary PARAGUAY: Hatton, Denise
Index Stamp Publications on Stamps ANTIGUA & BARBUDA: anon
Index 'True Story' Sold Bolivian Cinderella Stamps BOLIVIA: CINDERELLA Baumann, Fred W.
Index New Wedding Stamp in the Offing? p. 1 United States: United States Postal Service anon