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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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16 August 1993; Vol: 66 Iss: 3380
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16 Aug 1993
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Vol 66 Iss: 3380
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Index Living Broadway Star on Oklahoma! Stamp [Ridge Bond] United States: Scott 2722 Hotchner, John M.
Index Lombard Region Now Using Unapproved Local Stamps ITALY: CINDERELLA, Locals and Private Posts, LOMBARDY Robert E. Lana
Index 'Look' Magazine Mailings and U.S. Stamps United States: Scott 1030a Lawrence, Ken
Index Mountainous Karabakh Cover RUSSIA: Denis Hatton
Index New Museum Used Many First-Day Cancels United States: MUSEUM, Postal Markings Schreiber, Michael
Index New Zealand Women's Voting Right [Mar 31 93] NEW ZEALAND: Scott Denis Hatton
Index New Zealand Women's Voting Right [Mar 31 93] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: WOMEN Denis Hatton
Index Papua Error [45T Bird of Paradise capital T] PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Denis Hatton
Index Papua Error [45T Bird of Paradise capital T] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: BIRD Denis Hatton
Index Taiwan Noise Pollution [Jun 5 93] CHINA: ROC Denis Hatton
Index Taiwan Noise Pollution [Jun 5 93] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ENVIRONMENT Denis Hatton
Index U.S. Official Meter Stamps Began in 1973 United States: Metered Mail, OFFICIAL Doug Kelsey
Index UK Insurance Stamps United Kingdom, Great Britain: MUSEUM anon
Index Vatican City Proof Sold as Regular Stamp VATICAN CITY: PROOF Donna O'Keefe
Index What's a Face on Mars Sheetlet Worth? SIERRA LEONE: Scott Laurence, Michael
Index WWII: the Islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index AFDCS Concerned about New USPS Covers; Envelopes Have U.S. Government Watermark United States: First Day Cover Schreiber, Michael
Index Essays and Proofs of 19th Century Mexico MEXICO: PROOF Pulver, Dale
Index Evreskaya, Tataria Russian Stamps Bogus Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA Denis Hatton
Index Evreskaya, Tataria Russian Stamps Bogus RUSSIA: Forgeries and Counterfeits Denis Hatton
Index GAO: Two-Day Priority Mail Often Is Slow United States: United States Postal Service, GAO anon
Index Lawsuit Over Love Stamp United States: Scott 2535-36 anon
Index It's Elementary: Sherlock Holmes and Stamps THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DETECTIVES|Fictional Characters|Holmes, Sherlock Elaine Boughner