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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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13 September 1993; Vol: 66 Iss: 3384
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13 Sep 1993
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Vol 66 Iss: 3384
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Index 1943 Memo Marked Birth of A.M.G. Stamps ITALY: AMG, Allied Military Government Joe Bush
Index British Set to Feature Fruits of Fall [Sep 14 93] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FLORA Royal Mail
Index China Issues Envelope for Macao CHINA: People's Republic of China (PRC), Postal Stationery Hatton, Denise
Index Color Varies in Stripes on Black-demoninated Pledge United States: Scott 2594 Schreiber, Michael
Index Denmark to Release Four Stamps Sept. 16 Showing Silver and Silver- gilt Ethnic Jewelry DENMARK: Scott anon
Index Details for 4c Flanagan Reissue United States: Scott 2171v Schreiber, Michael
Index Eagle United States: SC C64, ESSAYS Hotchner, John M.
Index EKKO Labels Acknowledged Radio Reception United States: CINDERELLA Hotchner, John M.
Index Fate of Semipostal Stamps of Netherlands Uncertain NETHERLANDS: Scott B Hatton, Denise
Index Focus on Forgeries Series Released in Book Format Forgeries and Counterfeits: LITERATURE anon
Index Honduras Valentine Aerogramme HONDURAS: Postal Stationery, AEROGRAMME Hatton, Denise
Index Japan Imperial Wedding Folder [Aug 9 93] JAPAN: FOLDER Hatton, Denise
Index Jerry Payne, 1950- 1993 DEALER: PAYNE, JERRY anon
Index Julian G. Clive, 1909- 1993 DEALER: CLIVE, JULIAN G. anon
Index Many Splices in BCA Version of Eagle/ Shield United States: Scott 2607 Richard J. Nazar
Index Mysterious British Local Cinderella with Coat of Arms United Kingdom, Great Britain: CINDERELLA Williams, L.N.
Index Niuafo'ou Stamp on Stamp Design [May 3 93] TONGA: NIUAFO'OU Hatton, Denise
Index Predated Covers Are Hot Conversation Topic United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index Silver Tax Stamps Are Interesting to Collect United States: SC RG1-132 David Sohn
Index Stamps Overcome Hot Houston Weather EXHIBITION: STAMPSHOW 93 Elaine Boughner
Index There's More to Machins than Meets the Eye United Kingdom, Great Britain: MACHIN Alderfer, David & Larry MacInnis
Index Tommy Tricker Sequel, Cinderellas CANADA: CINDERELLA Les Productions Le Fete
Index Transdniestrian Republic Overprinted Stamps TRANSDNIESTRIAN REPUBLIC: Randall Baker
Index Two Versions of Cyprus Moufflon Stamp CYPRUS: Hatton, Denise
Index United States Will Issue AIDS Awareness Stamp United States: Scott 2806a USPS
Index Updating Polish Corps Stamp Usage ITALY: POLISH CORPS Robert E. Lana
Index Updating Polish Corps Stamp Usage POLAND: Robert E. Lana
Index WWII: Special Cases with Airmail and " Free" United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.