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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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03 January 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3400
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3 Jan 1994
Number of Pages:
Vol 67 Iss: 3400
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Index Are These Seals the First U.S. Self- Adhesive? United States: Revenues, BAGGAGE SEAL Hotchner, John M.
Index Artist Edward Hopper United States: Scott 1391 Richard Thomas
Index Artist Edward Hopper THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ART, HOPPER Richard Thomas
Index Attleboro Perforations on 2c Washington of 1908 United States: SC 344 William R. Weiss
Index Century-Old Technique to Foil the Forgers Forgeries and Counterfeits: GERMAN STATES Baumann, Fred W.
Index Century-Old Technique to Foil the Forgers GERMAN STATES: Forgeries and Counterfeits Baumann, Fred W.
Index Charles Starnes, 1912- 93 PHILATELIST: STARNES, CHARLES anon
Index Definitive Pictures Belgium's New King BELGIUM: Scott 1519-1520 Hatton, Denise
Index Governor's Editions Causing Collectors Grief United States: Revenues Bob Dumaine
Index Margin Inscriptions Changing on U.S. Stamps United States: PLATE MARKINGS Baadke, Michael
Index Naval Sailor Covers from Abroad in the 1880s United States: Postal History, NAVAL Graham, Richard B.
Index New 'Minkus Specialized American Catalog' Catalogs and Price Lists: MINKUS Lawrence, Ken
Index Stamp-Dealing Tax Cheat Philip Ryall Flees the Day before His Conviction in Chichester DEALER: RYALL, PHILIP Baumann, Fred W.
Index Swedish Royal Family Booklet [Oct 2 93] SWEDEN: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index Swiss Stamps for the U.N. European Office United Nations: SWITZERLAND Arleigh Gaines
Index World Wide Classics Settles FTC Suit DEALER: WORLD WIDE CLASSICS, FRAUD anon
Index New Background Paper for Frama [Nov 2 93] p. 8 SWITZERLAND: PAPER, FRAMA Hatton, Denise