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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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07 March 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3409
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7 Mar 1994
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Vol 67 Iss: 3409
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Index Australia Issuing Stamps for Cocos Islands AUSTRALIA: COCOS ISLAND Hatton, Denise
Index Coils Baffling Inspectors United States: COIL, VARIABLE RATE John Himes
Index Corner Cards: Dr. Hartman's Spicy Peruna United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Graham, Richard B.
Index Dean G. Acheson, U.S. Statesman United States: Scott 2755 Richard Thomas
Index Early 1c Jefferson Card Not Early United States: SC UX12 Fricke, Charles A.
Index First-flight Covers Popular in 1920s and ' 30s United States: First Flight Cover Dan Barber
Index Focus on Forgeries Bosnia and Herzegovina 1912 72-heller Vishegrad Pictorial Issue Scott 64 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: Scott 64, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Bosnia and Herzegovina 1912 72-heller Vishegrad Pictorial Issue Scott 64 Forgeries and Counterfeits: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, Scott 64 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Gordon Morison, the Stamp Collector's Friend PHILATELIST: MORISON, GORDON Lester Winick
Index Japan Design Contest JAPAN: Hatton, Denise
Index Junk-Mail Cover Sent Certified, A United States: CERTIFIED Lawrence, Ken
Index Klussendorf Postage Strip COSTA RICA: AUTOMATION Hatton, Denise
Index Klussendorf Postage Strip MACAU: Postal History, AUTOMATION Hatton, Denise
Index Legends Recall Failure Requires New Strategy United States: Scott 2870 Laurence, Michael
Index Legends Stamps Used from Rio de Janeiro; Panes Bought in Princeton Taken to Brazil United States: Scott 2870 Schreiber, Michael
Index Life behind Bars [letter re Herman Herst column] PHILATELY: Mark Warda
Index New Book on Early German Machine Cancels GERMANY: Postal Markings, Machine Baumann, Fred W.
Index New Canadian Definitive Printing CANADA: Scott anon
Index Puzzling Minitopic Is a Refreshing Change, A THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: PUZZLE Elaine Boughner
Index Redesign Delays Legends Stamps; No 'Phony Annie' on 29c Oakely United States: Scott 2869 Schreiber, Michael
Index Slovenia Anti-Smoking Tax Stamps [Sep 93] SLOVENIA: Scott RA Hatton, Denise
Index Stars and Stripes Provide Plentiful Varieties United States: Scott 1622 Lawrence, Ken
Index Two Thumbs Up for These Two State Stamps United States: Revenues, Wisconsin Bob Dumaine
Index U.S. 29c Buffalo Soldiers First Day of Issue Planned United States: Scott 2818 anon
Index U.S. 29c Buffalo Soldiers Stamp Begins Change to Halt Early Releases United States: Scott 2818 Schreiber, Michael
Index United Nations 1-1/2c Precancel Stamp, The United Nations: Scott 2 Arleigh Gaines
Index Video Highlights Black Americans Pictured on U.S. Postage Stamps United States: Schreiber, Michael