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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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28 March 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3412
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28 Mar 1994
Number of Pages:
Vol 67 Iss: 3412
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Index 1944 War Refugee Semipostals of China, The CHINA: Scott B1-9 Rogers, Michael
Index 1976 [Canada] Olympics Left Dubious Philatelic Legacy THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Larry McInnis
Index Azerbaijan and Enclave Issue Similar Stamps AZERBAIJAN: Hatton, Denise
Index Canada Issues New Definitive Stamps [Feb 25 94] CANADA: Scott Canada Post
Index Do Ink Jet Postmarks Still Serve a Purpose? United States: Postal Markings, INK JET Baumann, Fred W.
Index Fake Stamps Used in Czechoslovakia CZECH REPUBLIC: Forgeries and Counterfeits anon
Index Germany to Issue Five Youth Semipostals Showing Scenes from a Book for Children GERMANY: Scott B Deutsche Bundespost
Index NRA Stamp Was Produced in Only 13 Days United States: SC 732 Hotchner, John M.
Index Old Meter Machines Decertified United States: Metered Mail USPS
Index PVI Label Stock Data United States: PVI USPS
Index Semipostals: A Tax on Stamp Collectors SEMIPOSTAL: Laurence, Michael
Index Swedish Postal Museum Curator [Erick Hamberg] SWEDEN: MUSEUM anon
Index These Collectibles Weren't Meant to Be Saved United States: CERTIFIED Rod, Steven J.
Index Tractor Cinderellas; Volkswagens on Stamps THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: AUTOMOBILE Hatton, Denise
Index U.N. Disaster Conference Cancels United Kingdom, Great Britain: Postal Markings anon
Index U.S. Civil War: 'Old Stamps Not Recognized' United States: Postal History, DEMONITIZATION Graham, Richard B.
Index U.S. Letter Rate Compares Well with Others United States: Postal History, Postal Rates Baumann, Fred W.
Index Unisys Variable-Denomination Coil Appears United States: COIL, PLATE NUMBER Lawrence, Ken
Index Varieties of Recent U.S. Official Envelopes United States: SC OX Buzz Jehle
Index Visiting Falkland Islands' Philatelic Bureau FALKLAND ISLANDS: Pendleton, Steve
Index Word Processing Program and Album Pages TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.