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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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18 April 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3415
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18 Apr 1994
Number of Pages:
Vol 67 Iss: 3415
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Index Australian Postal Stationery [Olympics 2000] AUSTRALIA: Postal Stationery Hatton, Denise
Index Australian Postal Stationery [Olympics 2000] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Hatton, Denise
Index Belgian Postal Card Reprinted BELGIUM: Postal Stationery Hatton, Denise
Index Bill Pickett Stamp Is Still Making News United States: Scott 2869 Laurence, Michael
Index Canada's Last River Heritage Booklet [Apr 22 94] CANADA: BOOKLET anon
Index Catalog Unlocks the Pleasures of Hong Kong CHINA: HONG KONG Rogers, Michael
Index Collector Precancel Use Allowed in New Domestic Mail Manual United States: Precancels Baumann, Fred W.
Index DAV Using New 5c Circus Wagon United States: anon
Index Focus on Forgeries Azerbaijan 500-ruble Italian Phantom Issue of 1923 AZERBAIJAN: CINDERELLA, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Azerbaijan 500-ruble Italian Phantom Issue of 1923 Forgeries and Counterfeits: AZERBAIJAN, CINDERELLA Tyler, Varro E.
Index Legends Realize $4,620 at April 2 Public Auction United States: Scott 2870 Jacques C. Schiff Jr
Index Moldovan Cover Shows Effects of Inflation MOLDOVA: Hatton, Denise
Index New British Booklets [Apr 26 94] United Kingdom, Great Britain: BOOKLET Royal Mail
Index New Rate Caused Meter Stamp Provisionals United States: Metered Mail Doug Kelsey
Index Shock Therapy's Effects on Russian Philately RUSSIA: Michael Tereshko
Index Tagged Bulk-rate Stamp on Mail United States: Scott 2605 Schreiber, Michael
Index Topical Tale of St George and the Dragon, A THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ST GEORGE Baumann, Fred W.
Index U.S Armed Forces Collect Mail, 1861- 1942 United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index UNPA Refugee Stamps and Definitive Stamps to be Issued April 29 United Nations: UNPA
Index Why Was Clinton on Half-a-Trillion Stamps? United States: Revenues, CIGARETTE Hotchner, John M.