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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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16 May 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3419
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16 May 1994
Number of Pages:
Vol 67 Iss: 3419
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Index Airborne Stamp Revised in 1994 World War II Sheet p. 1 United States: Scott 2838d Baumann, Fred W.
Index Airborne Stamp Revised in 1994 World War II Sheet p. 1 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MILITARY Baumann, Fred W.
Index Canada Salautes 15th Commonwealth Games with Colorful Pair Showing Bowling, Lacrosse p. 1 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT anon
Index Christie's Will Auction Disputed Dominica Rarity p. 1 DOMINICA: Scott 14 Schreiber, Michael
Index Show Organizers Group Plan More Meetings p. 2 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: COSSO anon
Index Stamps for the Homeland to End p. 2 SOUTH AFRICA: Hatton, Denise
Index Face on Mars Sets Bring Down-to-Earth Bids p. 3 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPACE Laurence, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Chile 1895-96 Postage Due Issues Scott J19-42 p. 6 CHILE: Scott J19-42, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Do Not Remove This Tag Under Penalty of Law p. 6 United States: Revenues, BEDDING Hotchner, John M.
Index Imperf Stamps from Transdniestrian Republic p. 8 TRANSDNIESTRIAN REPUBLIC: Hatton, Denise
Index North Korean First Booklet [Jul 27 93] p. 8 North Korea: DPRK, BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index Silent Screen Pane Divisible by Two p. 28 United States: Scott 2828a Baadke, Michael
Index 'Research Group' Data Includes Ship Sailings p. 36 United States: Postal History, MARITIME Graham, Richard B.
Index 'Research Group' Data Includes Ship Sailings p. 36 PHILATELIST: ASHBROOK, STANLEY B. Graham, Richard B.
Index Saving Tigers Means More Than Just Stamps p. 44 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, TIGER Baadke, Michael
Index U.S. Passport Adhesive p. 50 United States: Revenues, PASSPORT Rich Hoffner
Index 'REPUBL QUE' Variety p. 50 FRANCE: Scott 191 Robert C. Stork