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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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13 June 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3423
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13 Jun 1994
Number of Pages:
Vol 67 Iss: 3423
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Index Flood of Russian Privately Produced Issues p. 8- 9 RUSSIA: Michael Tereshko
Index USPS Should Sell Canceled Legends Panes p. 12- 13 United States: Scott 2870 Lester Winick
Index Wembley Prompted British Commemoratives p. 18- 19 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 185-6, 203-4 Rosenblum , Larry
Index WWII: Tropical Heat and Stamped Envelopes p. 34- 35 United States: SC U Graham, Richard B.
Index WWII: Tropical Heat and Stamped Envelopes p. 34- 35 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Germany to Issue Five June 16 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ECOLOGY anon
Index New Coil Machines [Eca-gard] p. 1 United States: COIL, ECAGARD anon
Index Stamp Pane Configurations Confusing for U.S. Collectors p. 1 United States: Charles Yeager
Index Imperf 29c Flag Coil Also Miscut p. 2 United States: SC Schreiber, Michael
Index Brazil to Introduce Another New Currency p. 2 Brazil: CURRENCY anon
Index Three More Scott 81s p. 4 United States: SC 81 Wagshal, Jerome S.
Index Who Took the Picture of the Parade in Paris? p. 6 United States: SC 934 Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Afghanistan 2-poul Newspaper Stamps of 1931-38 Scott 281-86 p. 6 AFGHANISTAN: Scott 281-86, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Alberta Club Protests Stamp Tax p. 11 CANADA: CINDERELLA, LABEL anon
Index Australian Item Looks Like Cash Receipt p. 14 AUSTRALIA: SCOTT Hatton, Denise
Index Galileo [May 31 94] p. 14 VATICAN CITY: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Saint-Exupery p. 14 FRANCE: Hatton, Denise
Index Italian Food [Mar 5 94] p. 15 ITALY: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Officials [Jan 13 94] p. 15 FRENCH POLYNESIA: Scott O Hatton, Denise
Index Classics Society Bestows Honors p. 20 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: USPCS anon
Index Linto, Teixeira Cachets Show Great Diversity p. 25 United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index Overprints Fail to Save an Unattractive Stamp p. 27 PHILIPPINES: Scott 1758-60 Baumann, Fred W.
Index Pleasure Boat Stamps p. 28 United States: Revenues, PLEASURE BOAT Friedberg, Richard
Index Use These Clues to Spot Sardinian Forgeries p. 30 Forgeries and Counterfeits: ITALIAN STATES, SARDINIA Robert E. Lana
Index Use These Clues to Spot Sardinian Forgeries p. 30 ITALIAN STATES: SARDINIA, Forgeries and Counterfeits Robert E. Lana
Index Still Seeking EKU [Mar 4 1916] p. 50 United States: SC U429 Stephen L. Suffet
Index Recent Barbados Revenue p. 50 BARBADOS: Revenues Terry Hjulberg
Index Halifax Law Library Stamp p. 50 CANADA: CINDERELLA, SEALS Rick J. Martin
Index Nepal's Fox Hill Local Post Served Accounting Function p. 58 NEPAL: Locals and Private Posts Williams, L.N.