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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
27 June 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3425
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27 Jun 1994
Number of Pages:
Vol 67 Iss: 3425
Item Alt No:
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Index Gulf Coast Lighthouses issue continues series with five stamps, postal cards and letter sheets United States|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Lighthouses -- Gulf Coast McCarty, Denise
Index Winterthur cover, cantonals strip set records Switzerland|Cantonal Issues|Auctions -- Corinphila -- June 9-13, 2009|Rare Issues and Covers|Collections -- Fritz Kirchner Miller, Rick
Index Flexography vs. offset for 44c Seabiscuit; noticeably different varieties to be listed United States|Postal Stationery|Scott U668|Seabiscuit|Varieties Bigalke, Jay
Index Karl Malden (1912-2009) Obituaries|Malden, Karl|Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee|Collectors McAllister, Bill
Index Utica postmaster tells publisher of change of address in 1830 United States|New York|Utica|Postal History|Covers|Change of Address Hotchner, John M.
Index Jersey collectors vote Orchids stamp, set as best of 2008 Jersey|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Botany|Flowers|Designs  
Index Senior prank involves Priority Mail boxes United States Postal Service|Laws and Regulations Graduating seniors at Grafton, Ohio, high school ordered 5,100 free Priority Mail boxes and stacked them in the 3rd floor hallway.Winick, Les
Index Using the Scott digital catalog to identify British stamps Great Britain|Computers|Identification Sharpe, William F.
Index Latin America: Costa Rica's 1947 Columbus in Cariari stamp issue, and overprints Costa Rica|Commemoratives|Scott C148-153, C178, C220-223|Overprints -- Habilitado Myers, Thomas P.
Index Virginia Apgar: medical pioneer, stamp collector United States|Definitives|Collectors|Topical Collecting -- Women|Apgar, Virginia|Famous People|Medicine|Children's Health Thomas, Richard
Index Creative Columbia postmark captures perfect sequence of time and date United States|Postal Markings|Missouri, Columbia|Columbia Philatelic Society Station At 5 min. and 6 sec. after 4:00 am on the 8th of July this year 2009, the time and date will be :|04:05:06 07/08/09Bigalke, Jay