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Journal / Periodical
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21 November 1994; Vol: 67 Iss: 3446
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21 Nov 1994
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Vol 67 Iss: 3446
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Index Famous People Pictured Smoking on Stamps pp. 60- 61 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: TOBACCO John T. Tierney
Index First Engraved Australian Stamp in 20 Years [Aug 29 94] pp. 8- 9 AUSTRALIA: SCOTT Hatton, Denise
Index New Meter Stamp Catalog Includes Pricing pp. 46- 47 United States: Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index Jersey's Greetings Set to Be Issued in United Kingdom, Great Britain: CHANNEL ISLANDS, JERSEY anon
Index Foundation Rarity in Christie's Sale DOMINICA: Scott 14var anon
Index France Reprints Europa Stamp for AIDS DAY FRANCE: Hatton, Denise
Index France Reprints Europa Stamp for AIDS Day THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index 5th Anniversary of Opening the Borders GERMANY: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Collection Traces the Royal Family Tree THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ROYALTY Baadke, Michael
Index Duck Artist Jim Hautman Scores Second Contest Win p. 1 United States: SC RW anon
Index Duck Artist Jim Hautman Scores Second Contest Win p. 1 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: BIRD, DUCK anon
Index Jersey's Greetings Set to Be Issued in 1995 Includes a Stamp for the Year of the Pig p. 1 United Kingdom, Great Britain: CHANNEL ISLANDS, JERSEY anon
Index Great American Series to Continue with Hershey p. 1 United States: Scott 2933 Schreiber, Michael
Index Religious Symbols and 'Christmas' Are Banned from Postal Property p. 2 United States: United States Postal Service, CHRISTMAS Schreiber, Michael
Index Rare Special Printings Used as Postage p. 3 United States: SPECIAL PRINTING Laurence, Michael
Index In Defense of Tonga [letter] p. 4 TONGA: Alan W. Benjamin
Index In Defense of Tonga [letter] p. 4 TONGA: Alan W. Benjamin
Index Both Sides of FIP [letter] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP Robert P. Odenweller
Index Both Sides of FIP [letter] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP Sellers, F. Burton
Index Both Sides of FIP [letter] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP Lawrence, Ken
Index Both Sides of FIP [letter] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP Sellers, F. Burton
Index Both Sides of FIP [letter] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP Robert P. Odenweller
Index Essay? p. 6 United States: SC 79-E7 Hotchner, John M.
Index France Reprints Europa Stamp for AIDS Day p. 8 FRANCE: Hatton, Denise
Index France Reprints Europa Stamp for AIDS Day p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index 5th Anniversary of Opening the Borders [Nov 9 94] p. 8 GERMANY: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Two New Great Americans Varieties p. 9 United States: Scott 2176b, 2186var Schreiber, Michael
Index 29c Year of the Boar in 1994 U.S. Program p. 10 United States: Scott 2876 anon
Index Experts Reconsider Double-border Stamp; It's a Set-Off p. 14 United States: Scott 2521b Lawrence, Ken
Index Williamsburg Tried to Retrieve Early Legends p. 16 United States: Scott 2870 Schreiber, Michael
Index Peter Ronay, 1948-1994 p. 26 DEALER: RONAY, PETER anon
Index Peter Ronay, 1948-1994 p. 26 DEALER: RONAY, PETER anon
Index Collection Traces the Royal Family Tree, This p. 28 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ROYALTY Baadke, Michael
Index Croatian Storm Division Stamps Are Scarce p. 30 CROATIA: Scott B73-75 John G. Ross
Index India after Independence Has Much to Offer p. 32 INDIA: Rogers, Michael
Index Canada's 1994 Christmas Stamps p. 36 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS anon
Index Canada's 1994 Christmas Stamps p. 36 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS anon
Index Many Maltese Crosses [letter] p. 52 United States: Postal Markings, FANCY Paul M. Quigley