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Journal / Periodical
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15 May 1995; Vol: 68 Iss: 3471
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15 May 1995
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Vol 68 Iss: 3471
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Index Meter Stamps Noted Penny Black Centennial pp. 44- 45 United States: Metered Mail Doug Kelsey
Index Reader Response: More on V-Mail of WWII pp. 30- 31 United States: Postal History, V-MAIL Graham, Richard B.
Index Many Siamese Surcharges of 1889-99, The THAILAND: Rogers, Michael
Index Microbe Hunters, a Medical Subtopic, The THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MEDICINE Wilson, Tom
Index Nations Issue Stamps in Honor of V-E Day THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: WORLD WAR II anon
Index Nauru Joins International Olympic Committee THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Hatton, Denise
Index Salm Film Testing Is Inconclusive; Repo TECHNIQUE: anon
Index 'Youth: Our Future' Is Theme for Six U. N. United Nations: Scott 661-662 anon
Index Canadian Stamps Salute the Fortress of Louisburg CANADA: Scott 1547-1551 anon
Index Dutch 'Kissing Scene' Stamp Raises Eyebrows NETHERLANDS: Hatton, Denise
Index Dutch 'Kissing Scene' Stamp Raises Eyebrows THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA Hatton, Denise
Index Effects of World War II on Stamp Dealer PHILATELY: Herst, Herman Jr.
Index Fifth Year of Independence [Mar 21 95] NAMIBIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Focus on Forgeries Fiume 1919 10- corona Yugoslavia: FIUME, Scott 43 Tyler, Varro E.
Index France, Spain Also Mark Cinema Centennial FRANCE: Hatton, Denise
Index France, Spain Also Mark Cinema Centennial SPAIN: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index International Olympic Committee [Dec 27 NAURU: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index American Kestrel Now Has Cent Sign [May 10 95] p. 1, 11 United States: Scott 2481A anon
Index Recalled Legends Destroyed in April p. 2 United States: Scott 2869 anon
Index Avery's 32c Flag Over Porch to Be Significant Part of U.S. Production p. 2 United States: Scott 2919 anon
Index ATA Names Kelsey New ATA Director p. 3 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: ATA, American Topical Association anon
Index Lines on Cassatt Stamp Are Wiping Freaks p. 10 United States: Scott 2182 Schreiber, Michael
Index USPS Plans Electronic Postmark and Services p. 12 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Self-adhesive Panes Have Varieties in Liner p. 14 United States: SELF-ADHESIVE Lawrence, Ken
Index Joseph R. Seacrest 1920-1995 p. 17 DEALER: SEACREST, JOSEPH anon