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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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10 July 1995; Vol: 68 Iss: 3479
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10 Jul 1995
Number of Pages:
Vol 68 Iss: 3479
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Index Civil War Stamps Issued at Gettysburg pp. 8- 9 United States: Scott 2975 anon
Index RFD: 1996 Centennial pp. 20- 21 United States: Postal History, RFD Graham, Richard B.
Index Spanish Bourse Provides a New Perspective SPAIN: Hotchner, John M.
Index Stamp Honors First Woman Prime Minister SRI LANKA: Scott 1129 Hatton, Denise
Index Tonga's 25th Anniversary of Admission TONGA: Hatton, Denise
Index Computer Program for the British Collectors TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Rosenblum , Larry
Index Canadian Stamp Salutes Manitoba's Birth CANADA: Scott 1562 anon
Index Civil War Stamps Issued at Gettysburg THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MILITARY anon
Index Focus on Forgeries Lebanon 1953 Lockheed LEBANON: Scott C157-182, Forgeries & Counterfeits Varro E. Taylor
Index Germany Establishes Agency in U.S. p. GERMANY: AGENT anon
Index Guyana Sheet for Disney's ' Pocahontas' GUYANA: Scott 2950 anon
Index Guyana Sheet for Disney's ' Pocahontas' THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DISNEY anon
Index U.S. Stamp Marks Signing of U.N. Charter p. 3 United States: Scott 2974 anon
Index Belgium Stamp Day [Apr 10 95] p. 10 PHILATELIST: DE TROYER, Hatton, Denise
Index Earliest Trans-Mississippi Cover Receives Certificate p. 14 United States: Scott 286, Earliest known use anon
Index Printed Cancels on Documentaries Are Scarce p. 22 United States: Revenues, Postal Markings Friedberg, Richard
Index More Information on New International Rates p. 25 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates anon
Index Vatican Overprints of 1934, 1937 p. 26 VATICAN CITY: Scott Robert E. Lana
Index Data Released for Official Stamps of May 9 p. 28 United States: SC O153-156 anon
Index Local Post in Venezuela, A p. 30 VENEZUELA: CINDERELLA Williams, L.N.