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14 August 1995; Vol: 68 Iss: 3484
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14 Aug 1995
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Vol 68 Iss: 3484
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Index Modern U.S. Roller Cancels Began in 1920s pp. 32- 33 United States: Postal Markings, ROLLER Graham, Richard B.
Index Taxpaid Varieties p. 28- 29 United States: Revenues, TAXPAID, CIGAR Friedberg, Richard
Index Taxpaid Varieties p. 28- 29 United States: Revenues, TAXPAID, CIGARETTE Friedberg, Richard
Index Nazi Seal Replicas Could Turn Up on Covers GERMANY: CINDERELLA, THIRD REICH, SEALS, Forgeries and Counterfeits Lester Winick
Index Spanish Postal Tax Stamps [letter] SPAIN: POSTAL TAX Fang, Jim
Index Stamps from a Nation of Numerous Names BELGIAN CONGO: Scott William Rule
Index Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign [Jun 26 95] p BURMA: MYANMAR Hatton, Denise
Index Butterfly, Birds and Bat to Grace Canada CANADA: Scott 1563-1567 anon
Index Butterfly, Birds and Bat to Grace Canada THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: INSECT, BUTTER anon
Index Butterfly, Birds and Bat to Grace Canadian THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, BAT anon
Index Butterfly, Birds and Bat to Grace Canadian Stamps THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: BIRD anon
Index Childhood V-Mail Illustrates End of WWII United States: Postal History, V-MAIL Laurence, Michael
Index Collect Victorian-Era Cancels on Penny United Kingdom, Great Britain: Postal Markings Alderfer, David
Index De La Rue 1955 Cinderella Marked Printing PRINTER: DE LA RUE Williams, L.N.
Index Experiences Are Familiar at Italian National EXHIBITION: VERONAPHIL Robert E. Lana
Index Gough Joins Christie's Stamp Staff p. DEALER: CHRISTIE'S Christie's
Index Jamaican Issue for Marley's 50th Birthday JAMAICA: Scott 836-841 Hatton, Denise
Index Prehistoric Animals Yanked from Program; Postal Card Announced p. 1 United States: United States Postal Service, PREHISTORIC ANIMALS anon
Index Name Spelled Wrong on Stand Watie Postal Card p. 1 United States: SC UX211 Baadke, Michael
Index Update for $10.75 Stamp p. 2 United States: Scott 2944A anon
Index Duane B. Garrett 1947-1995 p. 2 PHILATELIST: GARRETT, DUANE anon
Index Advertising on Stamps [letter] p. 4 PHILATELY: ADVERTISING Harold M. Stral
Index Real Pocahontas Is Shown on U.S. Stamp, The p. 6 United States: SC 330 Hotchner, John M.
Index John Lennon [Jul 95] p. 8 ST VINCENT: Scott 1503 Hatton, Denise
Index John Lennon [St Vincent Sc 1503] p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC, LENNON Hatton, Denise
Index Battle of Fontenoy p. 8 BELGIUM: Scott 1583 Hatton, Denise
Index Battle of Fontenoy p. 8 IRELAND: Scott 967 Hatton, Denise
Index APS President Neil Asks PMG to Reconsider Mail-Order Fees p. 9 United States: United States Postal Service APS
Index Change in Size of Booklets p. 9 NORWAY: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index These Back Numbers Are 11 Stamps Apart p. 11 United States: Scott 2915 Schreiber, Michael
Index Tagging Alignment Marks Show on Miscuts p. 14 United States: SC UX198, LUMINESCENCE Schreiber, Michael
Index Steamboat Mail Emerges from St Louis Attic p. 20 United States: Postal History, MARITIME David L. Straight
Index More on Railway Cancels p. 29 United States: Revenues, Postal Markings Friedberg, Richard