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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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02 October 1995; Vol: 68 Iss: 3491
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2 Oct 1995
Number of Pages:
Vol 68 Iss: 3491
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Index Stamp Series of 1902 Has Interesting Covers pp. 44- 45 United States: SC 300-309 Graham, Richard B.
Index Romanian Stamp Depicts Local Post Design ROMANIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Scott Procedure Change Likely to Affect THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DUCK Bob Dumaine
Index Man [Raymond V. Gregor] Added Bogus Mar Forgeries and Counterfeits: United States, GREGOR anon
Index Focus on Forgeries El Salvador 1930 Bolivar EL SALVADOR: Scott C15-18, FOR Tyler, Varro E.
Index German Children's Sheet Pictures Several GERMANY: Scott anon
Index 'Superman' Spray-on Postmarks Promote S CANADA: Postal Markings, MACHINE, SPRAY ON Baumann, Fred W.
Index Touring Stamp-Related Internet Sites p THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.
Index Trial Airpost International Booklet [ Se NEW ZEALAND: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index UNPA Plans to Issue Its First Booklet Panes United Nations: BOOKLET Arleigh Gaines
Index Missing Intaglio Red on Nixon Stamps; Name Not on Top p. 1, 14 United States: Scott 2955v Baadke, Michael
Index Comic Artists and Characters at First-Day Ceremony p. 2 United States: SC 3000 anon
Index More on Early Releases of Stamps: 1991-93 p. 3 United States: Earliest Known Use Laurence, Michael
Index Britain's Booklets [Oct 4 94] p. 8 United Kingdom, Great Britain: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index Prefectural Postal Cards p. 9 JAPAN: Postal Stationery Hatton, Denise
Index Recalled Legends Not Over; Letters Sent to Alternates p. 9 United States: Scott 2870 anon
Index Stamps and Phone Cards p. 9 NETHERLANDS: TELECARD Hatton, Denise
Index Canadiana 1994 Stamp of the Year p. 16 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CANADA anon
Index James H. Baxter 1906-1995 p. 16 WRITER: BAXTER, JAMES H. anon
Index U.S.-Palau Joint Issue op. 18 United States: Scott 2999 anon
Index 32c Liberty Bell Used for Defense Envelope p. 20 United States: SC U632v Schreiber, Michael
Index Bosnia and Herzegovina's Agent p. 23 BOSNIA: anon
Index Frontier Lawman Bat Masterson p. 36 United States: Scott 2869h, 2870h Richard Thomas