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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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09 October 1995; Vol: 68 Iss: 3492
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9 Oct 1995
Number of Pages:
Vol 68 Iss: 3492
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Index Money Order Business Used 'M.O.B.' Cancels pp. 36- 37 United States: Postal Markings, MOB, Money Order Business Graham, Richard B.
Index Nolan Ryan [Aug 1 95] p. 8- 9 ST VINCENT: Scott 2194-2198 Hatton, Denise
Index Nolan Ryan [St Vincent Aug 1 95] p. 8- THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, BASEBALL Hatton, Denise
Index U.S. Self-Stick Specialty Continues to Evolve p. 28- 29 United States: Scott 2431a Lawrence, Ken
Index USIR Watermarks and Postage as Revenue p. 32- 33 United States: Scott 271a-272a Friedberg, Richard
Index USIR Watermarks and Postage as Revenue p. 32- 33 United States: SC RB156-158, 158A, 158B, RS307-315 Friedberg, Richard
Index What Is the Significance of Stamp Place PHILATELY: Hotchner, John M.
Index Stamps from the Home of a Long-Lost Empire TUNISIA: Apfelbaum, John & Alan D. Hollins
Index Taiwan Souvenir Sheet Notes End of War CHINA: ROC anon
Index Lots to Look At and Learn from Sale Catalogue United Kingdom, Great Britain: David Aldorfer
Index Favorite French Issue of 1994 Features FRANCE: anon
Index Ferdinand II Glowers on Postage Stamps ITALIAN STATES: TWO SICILIES Robert E. Lana
Index Finnsh Booklet Features Five Domestic C FINLAND: Scott 971-976 anon
Index Finnsh Booklet Features Five Domestic Cats THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, CAT anon
Index 100th Anniversary of Organized Philately SLOVAKIA: Hatton, Denise
Index British Sheet Packaged with Greeting Cards United Kingdom, Great Britain: Hatton, Denise
Index Grenada Copies U.S. Format for Monroe GRENADA: Scott 2468 Hatton, Denise
Index Hawaii Gems Were Canceled with Sugarcane HAWAII: Postal Markings Trepel, Scott R.
Index Labor Day Thieves Took Collection p. 1 THEFT: anon
Index Jaffe Buys Brookman Stamp Retail p. 9 DEALER: BROOKMAN anon
Index Santa, Children with Toys Stamps Issued p. 10 United States: SC 3004-3007 anon
Index Fraser Gains Control of Gibbons p. 10 DEALER: STANLEY GIBBONS anon
Index Design Error on Iranian Stamp p. 12 IRAN: Scott 2322 anon
Index U.S. Naval Academy Commemorative Oct 10 p. 12 United States: SC 3001 anon
Index New PVI Stamps Are Linerless Coils p. 16 United States: PVI anon
Index Rickenbacker Airplane p. 18 United States: Scott 2998 anon
Index Tennessee Williams Commemorative Oct 13 p. 18 United States: Scott 3002 anon
Index Imperforate Civil War Pane p. 23 United States: Scott 2957v anon