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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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01 January 1996; Vol: 69 Iss: 3504
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1 Jan 1996
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Vol 69 Iss: 3504
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Index 'Auld Lang Syne' by Robert Burns One THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: JAPOS, BURNS anon
Index 'Auld Lang Syne' by Robert Burns One THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC, BURNS anon
Index 'Auld Lang Syne' by Robert Burns One Stamp United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott, Burns anon
Index Early Swedish Local Stamps Reported p. SWEDEN: Locals and Private Posts anon
Index Editor Recaps Top Stamp Stories of 199 PHILATELY: Laurence, Michael
Index Children Design Hungarian Christmas Stamps THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS Hatton, Denise
Index Controlled and Collector Mail; Used Sta TANNU TUVA: Graham, Richard B.
Index Glass to Glass: Old Friends Toast Philatelist PHILATELIST: GLASS, SOL Hotchner, John M.
Index Iceland Christmas Stamps [Nov 8 95] p. THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS Hatton, Denise
Index Many Stamps Honor Year of the Sea Turtle THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: REPTILE, TURTLE Hatton, Denise
Index Marshallese Stamps Recall Old German Colonies MARSHALL ISLANDS: Scott 50- Baumann, Fred W.
Index Rare Handpainted Covers Go on the Block AUCTION: Haeseler, Rob
Index Rare Japanese Cancel Surfaces in Chicago JAPAN: Postal Markings, BOTA Lester Winick
Index Spellman Museun Reopens Jan. 7 United States: MUSEUM, SPELLMAN anon
Index Stamps from Nine Naitons Salute the Year THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ASTROLOGY anon
Index U.N. Stamp Release at Chicago 96 [Feb 2 United Nations: UNPA
Index Well-Made U.N. Precancel Forgeries Foun Forgeries and Counterfeits: United Nations, Precancels Arleigh Gaines
Index Well-Made U.N. Precancel Forgeries Foundation United Nations: Precancels, Forgeries and Counterfeits Arleigh Gaines
Index Winter Garden Flowers Bloom in Booklets THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FLORA anon
Index Winter Garden Flowers Bloom in Booklets [Jan 19 96] p 14 United States: SC 3029a anon
Index Breast Cancer Awareness Design on Cable TV Special p. 1, 10 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Next 'Stamps etc.' Due in February; Order Fee to Stay at $3.20 or More p. 2 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Nativity on Israel Postal Item p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS Hatton, Denise
Index South African Rhinoceros Booklet p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, RHINOC Hatton, Denise
Index Test Coils on gift Certificates p. 9 United States: COIL, TEST anon
Index What Looks Like '1996' on Porch not '1996' says Postal Service p. 10 United States: Scott 2920b Schreiber, Michael
Index Flag/Porch in New Pane of 10 to Have "1996" on Each Stamp p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service Schreiber, Michael
Index More Prepackaging for Stamps Shipped from Kansas City Caves p. 12 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index USPS Donates Enlargement [to Holoaust Museum] p. 20 United States: Scott 2981c anon
Index No Ceremony for New Stamps Jan. 20 at New York City Show p. 22 United States: Scott 3030 ASDA
Index Giovanni de Verrazano p. 26 United States: Scott 1285 Richard Thomas
Index Early Releases: 1892, 1904, 1909 and 1931 p. 28 United States: Earliest Known Use Lawrence, Ken
Index Guatemala Overprint [letter] p. 48 GUATEMALA: SVC 311-311A, Robert Pyznar
Index Forum Update p. 48 RUSSIA: CINDERELLA, WHIT Michael J. Skweir
Index Stae Review; Stamp from Denmark p. 58 DENMARK: Revenues Bob Dumaine