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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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12 February 1996; Vol: 69 Iss: 3510
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12 Feb 1996
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Vol 69 Iss: 3510
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Index 19th Century U.S. Missent, Forwarded Mail pp. 54- 55 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Rate Commission Moves to Cost-Based Rates; 21c Postcard Rejected; Some Classes sRevised pp. 8- 9 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Scott Vietnam Listing Still Omits Some VIETNAM: Catalogs and Price Lists Lawrence, Ken
Index Shakespeare Mail Had Its Start in 1899 United Kingdom, Great Britain: CINDERELLA Williams, L.N.
Index Accused duPont Heir Owns Stamp Rarity BRITISH GUIANA: Scott 13 Haeseler, Rob
Index Accused duPont Heir Owns Stamp Rarity PHILATELIST: DuPONT, JOHN Haeseler, Rob
Index Accused duPont Heir Owns Stamp Rarity REDONDA: Haeseler, Rob
Index Aland Releases First Greetings Stamps [ ALAND: Hatton, Denise
Index Canadian High-Tech Stamps Comng Feb. 15 CANADA: Scott 1595-1598a anon
Index Finland's Spell-It-Yourself Greetings Stamp FINLAND: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Irish Greeting Stamps and Definitives IRELAND: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Unique Saxony Pane Has a History to Mat GERMAN STATES: SAXONY, S Werner M. Bohne & Baumann, Fred W.
Index Pink Rose Printed on Liner; Results in New Major Error p. 1, 16 United States: Scott 2492-2493 Schreiber, Michael
Index Old Stamp Knockoffs Emerge as Valentines p. 6 United States: CINDERELLA Hotchner, John M.
Index Thaw Threatens Dealer's Rarities p. 9 DEALER: WEINBERG, IRWIN Haeseler, Rob
Index Color Photocopying of Stamps Legal but Has Restrictions p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Error Clarified After Two Decades p. 16 United States: Scott 1566a anon
Index Nixon Invert Story Still a Mystery; Discovery Reported on National News p. 18 United States: Scott 2955v Baadke, Michael
Index Jacqueline Cochran on 50c Stamp March 9 p. 22 United States: SC 3066 Baadke, Michael
Index Are Contemporary First-Day Cancels Honest? p. 26 United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index Stamps Bearing Fezzan Overprints p. 34 LIBYA: FEZZAN Robert E. Lana
Index Are Revenue Stamps What You're Looking For? p. 36 United States: Revenues Friedberg, Richard