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02 September 1996; Vol: 69 Iss: 3539
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2 Sep 1996
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Vol 69 Iss: 3539
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Index More on Harnden Express Labels and Covers pp. 4- 45 United States: Postal History, EXPRESS, HARNDEN Graham, Richard B.
Index Postage Due Varieties: Narrow 3c, Pop-ups pp. 32- 33 United States: SC J David Stiff
Index Sept. 8 Outdoor Stamp Show in New York to Feature Spy Planes, Dogs and Flying Elvis p. 1, 16 PALAU: anon
Index Sept. 8 Outdoor Stamp Show in New York to Feature Spy Planes, Dogs and Flying Elvis p. 1, 16 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: AIRCRAFT anon
Index Sept. 8 Outdoor Stamp Show in New York to Feature Spy Planes, Dogs and Flying Elvis p. 1, 16 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, DOG anon
Index Sept. 8 Outdoor Stamp Show in New York to Feature Spy Planes, Dogs and Flying Elvis p. 1, 16 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC, ELVIS anon
Index Swiss Stamps to Salute the Music Box's Bicentennial [Sep 10 96] p. 1 SWITZERLAND: anon
Index Swiss Stamps to Salute the Music Box's Bicentennial Sep 10 96] p. 1 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC anon
Index Hanukkah Stamp Will Be Second New Self-Adhesive p. 2 United States: SC 3118 Baadke, Michael
Index Yeager Named Editor of 'U.S. Specialist' p. 3 WRITER: YEAGER, CHARLES anon
Index Focus on Forgeries Montenegro 1874-98 Prince Nicholas I Regular Issues Scott 1-44 p. 6 Yugoslavia: MONTENEGRO, Scott 1-44, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index New Zealand Set Has Scratch-and-Win Panels p. 8 NEW ZEALAND: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index New Zealand Set Has Scratch-and-Win Panels p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA Hatton, Denise
Index Clinton and Presley p. 8 CHAD: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Clinton and Presley p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC Hatton, Denise
Index Clinton and Presley p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: PRESIDENT Hatton, Denise
Index Jerusalem 3000 [Argentina May 18 96] p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: JUDAICA Hatton, Denise
Index Jerusalem 3000 [Argentina May 18 96] p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: RELIGION Hatton, Denise
Index Jerusalem 3000 [Jun 10 96] p. 9 PALAU: Hatton, Denise
Index Jerusalem 3000 [May 18 96] p. 9 ARGENTINA: Hatton, Denise
Index Jerusalem 3000 [Palau Jun 10 96] p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: JUDAICA Hatton, Denise
Index Jerusalem 3000 [Palau Jun 10 96] p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: RELIGION Hatton, Denise
Index ZIP Code Swallowed; Inventors Turn Purple p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Joseph M. Clary, 1905-1996 p. 12 PHILATELIST: CLARY, JOSEPH M. Haeseler, Rob
Index EKU Update: RFD, Ernest Just, Porch, Utah p. 14 United States: Earliest Known Use Schreiber, Michael
Index UNPA on the Internet; Surcharge Varieties [aerogram] p. 24 United Nations: Arleigh Gaines
Index Pecos Bill on Nevis' Disney Stamp p. 25 NEVIS: Scott anon
Index Pecos Bill on Nevis' Disney Stamp p. 25 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DISNEY anon
Index Pecos Bill on Nevis' Disney Stamp p. 25 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FOLK HEROES anon
Index Two More Unusual First-Day Cover Auctions p. 26 United States: First Day Cover, AUCTION Haeseler, Rob
Index Two More Unusual First-Day Cover Auctions p. 26 United States: SC 5a, First Day Cover Haeseler, Rob
Index Postal Museum Programs for Fall p. 33 United States: MUSEUM anon
Index Covers Mark Past Democratic Conventions p. 34 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: AMERICANA Edward Krohn
Index Federal Hunter Stamp Studied; 1995 Winners p. 55 United States: SC RW Bob Dumanie
Index Bock 'n' Roll Pioneer Bill Haley p. 60 United States: Scott 2725 Richard Thomas
Index Spain's Antarctic Base has Cancellatons and Cachets p. 62 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: POLAR Pendleton, Steve