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30 September 1996; Vol: 69 Iss: 3543
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30 Sep 1996
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Vol 69 Iss: 3543
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Index Expect Other Odd-Value Commemoratives pp. 8- 9 United States: SC 3104 Bob McAllister
Index Lapland Seen on Stamps of Several Nations pp. 28- 29 FINLAND: Bob Paulson
Index Lapland Seen on Stamps of Several Nations pp. 28- 29 NORWAY: Bob Paulson
Index Lapland Seen on Stamps of Several Nations pp. 28- 29 SWEDEN: Bob Paulson
Index Profit Picture p. 8- 9 United States: United States Postal Service Bob McAllister
Index Royal Acquires London Gang's Forgery Plates pp. 10- 11 FORGER: JEFFRIES, BENJAMIN & SARPY Schreiber, Michael
Index Today's EKUs Evoke Early Uses of Classic Era pp. 44- 45 United States: Earliest Known Use Graham, Richard B.
Index Focus on Forgeries Danish West Indies 1874 Crown and Post Horn Regular Issues Scott 5-7, 9, 12 Danish West Indies: Scott 5-7, 9, 12, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Drug-Free Stamp Subjects Not All That Easy p. THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DRUG ABUSE Hotchner, John M.
Index Sweden Salutes Four Decades of Nostalgia p. 1 SWEDEN: anon
Index 'Winnie' Is for 'Winnipeg,' a Canadian Cub, in Disney Issue for Stamp Collecting Month p. 1, 22 CANADA: Scott 1618-1621 Baumann, Fred W.
Index 'Winnie' Is for 'Winnipeg,' a Canadian Cub, in Disney Issue for Stamp Collecting Month p. 1, 22 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DISNEY Baumann, Fred W.
Index Allan L. Steinhart 1940-1996 p. 2 PHILATELIST: STEINHART, ALLAN L. Haeseler, Rob
Index George V.H. Godin 1920-1996 p. 2 PHILATELIST: GODIN, GEORGE V.H. Haeseler, Rob
Index Updated Listing of Postal History Groups p. 3 EXHIBITION: MOSCOW 97 Laurence, Michael
Index Misregistration p. 6 United States: SC C3a Hotchner, John M.
Index New Pane Format in Rose Booklet p. 9 United States: Scott 2492b Schreiber, Michael
Index Inscription on Canoe Coil Stamp Printed in Brown but Not in Gray p. 12 United States: Scott 2453 Schreiber, Michael
Index Stamp Thefts Occur in Three States p. 14 THEFT: Haeseler, Rob
Index Troubles in Leaving Russia with Your Stamps p. 16 RUSSIA: Michael Tereshko
Index Recent Overprints from Papua New Guinea p. 18 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Steven Zirinsky
Index Stamps from Three Nations Honor Jacqueline p. 24 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: JFK Hatton, Denise
Index Indian Stamps Recall the Birth of Bangladesh p. 32 BANGLADESH: Fred Buamann
Index Group of Seven Tops Canada Stamp Poll p. 34 CANADA: Scott 1559-1561 anon
Index When Collectors Were Discoveed to Be Nuts p. 40 CANADA: Scott 180ii Haeseler, Rob
Index Stamp Booklets: Convenient and Collectible p. 50 United States: BOOKLET Baadke, Michael
Index Spiro Brothers p. 52 FORGER: SPIRO BROS. Jack Simon
Index 'Cancelled' Mauritius p. 52 MAURITIUS: REMAINDER John F. Beyer
Index Elusive Benin Surcharges [letter] p. 52 BENIN: Herbert Moore
Index Elusive Benin Surcharges [letter] p. 52 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC, BEETHOVEN Herbert Moore