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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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02 June 1997; Vol: 70 Iss: 3579
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2 Jun 1997
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Vol 70 Iss: 3579
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Index Discovery in Old Engraver's Proof Book May Hold Key to Plating the 5c 1847 Issue p. 1, 8- 9 United States: Scott 1P-2P Haeseler, Rob
Index Hologram Is Planned p. 3 United States: Scott 3412-3413 index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index New Proof Find Should Aid 5c 1847 Plating [also Knoxville provisional] p. 3 United States: Confederate States of America, Scott 47X3 Laurence, Michael
Index New Proof Find Should Aid 5c 1847 Plating p. 3 United States: Scott 1P-2P Laurence, Michael
Index Man Pleads Guilty in Philadelphia in Theft of 32c Statue of Liberty p. 9 United States: SC 3122b, THEFT anon
Index Marshall Plan 50th Anniversary Remembered p. 10 United States: SC 3141 anon
Index Small Printing Quantity for Marshall Plan Commemoratives p. 10 United States: SC 3141 Baadke, Michael
Index Golden Gate Cards at Pacific 97 p. 12 United States: SC UX282-283 anon
Index FDC Collectors Invited to Closed Bugs Bunny Event p. 16 United States: SC 3137, First Day Cover Schreiber, Michael
Index New Stamp's First Day Is Earliest in History [Jun 21 97] p. 16 United States: SC RW Bob Dumaine
Index Linn's Releases 1996 U.S. Stamp Yearbook p. 18 United States: LITERATURE, YEARBOOK anon
Index Century Series Delayed p. 18 United States: SC 3182, First Day McAllister, Bill
Index Century Series Delayed p. 18 United States: Scott 3182, First Day McAllister, Bill
Index USPS Wants Sweeping Powers to Set Rates p. 24 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index First Bureau Definitives Have Much to Offer p. 32 United States: Scott 246-63 Jon Rose
Index Apgar Reprint Is Like Old Stamp p. 36 United States: Scott 2179 Schreiber, Michael
Index More on Shrink-Wrap p. 36 United States: SC 3095a anon
Index Gem from Canal Zone Has Wrong Portrait p. 38 United States: Canal Zone, Scott anon
Index Engraved Stamp Images on BEP Card, Silk p. 46 United States: Bureau of Engraving and Printing anon
Index Western Swing Band Leader Bob Wills p. 74 United States: Scott 2778 Richard Thomas