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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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11 August 1997; Vol: 70 Iss: 3589
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11 Aug 1997
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Vol 70 Iss: 3589
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Index Robert Fulton Stamp Co. Engraved FDCs p. 18- 19 United States: First Day Cover, Cachets Cusick, Allison
Index More on 20c Apgar United States: Scott 2179 anon
Index Service Endorsements Changed United States: Metered Mail anon
Index Varela Stamp Design p. 1 United States: SC 3166 anon
Index Semipostal Update p. 1 United States: United States Postal Service, SEMIPOSTAL McAllister, Bill
Index Camel's Nose Penetrates U.S. Stamp Program p. 3 United States: United States Postal Service, SEMIPOSTAL Laurence, Michael
Index Angry Readers [letters] p. 4 United States: United States Postal Service various
Index How the BEP Added New Colors in Stamps p. 6 United States: Bureau of Engraving and Printing Hotchner, John M.
Index Cross-Gutter Block Cuts Bugs Sheet to Size p. 8 United States: SC 3137 Schreiber, Michael
Index Household Stamp Use Declines p. 9 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index First-Days for Revised Coaches Stamps p. 12 United States: SC 3147-3150, First Day Cover anon
Index Registry Is Bargain over Insurance p. 24 United States: Postal History, REGISTRY Robert Rabinowitz
Index Review: North Carolina Post Offices, Vol. 1 p. 44 United States: Postal History, North Carolina Graham, Richard B.
Index Special Tax Stamps Are Affordable Revenues p. 54 United States: Revenues Friedberg, Richard