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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
08 September 1997; Vol: 70 Iss: 3593
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8 Sep 1997
Number of Pages:
Vol 70 Iss: 3593
Item Alt No:
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Index Classical Composers, Conductors, Sept. 12 p. 18- 11 United States: SC 3158-3165 Baadke, Michael
Index Did the UPS Strike Help the Postal Service? pp. 8- 9 United States: United States Postal Service, UPS McAllister, Bill
Index Review: New Catalog of U.S. Naval Cancels pp. 42- 43 United States: Postal Markings, NAVAL Graham, Richard B.
Index Earliest-Known-Use Cover [auction] p. 1, 14 United States: SC 330, Earliest known use anon
Index Air Force, Monster Stamps to Use New Microprinting p. 1, 16 United States: SC 3167 McAllister, Bill
Index USPS Board May Delay Postage Rate Increase p. 1 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Shoe Tycoon Shuffled to the Goverorship p. 6 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Hotchner, John M.
Index American Opera Singers on Commemoratives p. 12 United States: SC 3154-3157 Baadke, Michael
Index Stamp Data Format Revised p. 14 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Upcoming Auction Will Have Several Firsts p. 14 United States: PERMIT, Earliest Known Use Haeseler, Rob
Index Upcoming Auction Will Have Several Firsts p. 14 United States: SC 303, Earliest known use Haeseler, Rob
Index Upcoming Auction Will Have Several Firsts p. 14 United States: SC 31, Earliest known use Haeseler, Rob
Index Upcoming Auction Will Have Several Firsts p. 14 United States: SC 498f, Earliest known use Haeseler, Rob
Index Bugs Numbers: Bottom Half Sheets p. 22 United States: SC 3140, PLATE NUMBER anon
Index Varela Stamp Honors Priest, Humanitarian p. 26 United States: SC 3166 Schreiber, Michael
Index Reminder of When Canned Food Was Taxed, A p. 30 United States: SC RP1 Richard Friedburg
Index Metropolitan Opera Stamp First-Day Covers p. 32 United States: Scott 2054, First Day Cover Cusick, Allison