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12 January 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3611
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12 Jan 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3611
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Index 'Bring Three Blankets'; Mailing Baby Chicks pp. 42-43 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Graham, Richard B.
Index 'Bring Three Blankets'; Mailing Baby Chicks pp. 42-43 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Graham, Richard B.
Index Problems with U.N. Cancels; Airmail Color p. 24-25 United Nations: Postal Markings Arleigh Gaines
Index Problems with U.N. Cancels; Airmail Color p. 24-25 UNITED NATIONS : Postal Markings Arleigh Gaines
Index Sylvester and Tweety Bird to Generate $24.9 Million p. 1, 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Sylvester and Tweety Bird to Generate $24.9 Million p. 1, 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Computer Used to Fake Double Image on 45c Flag p. 1, 20 CANADA: Scott 1367J, Forgeries and Counterfeits Schreiber, Michael
Index Computer Used to Fake Double Image on 45c Flag p. 1, 20 CANADA: Scott 1367J, Forgeries and Counterfeits Schreiber, Michael
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: BIRD anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: MUCOLOGY anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: ECOLOGY anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: BIRD anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: FLORA anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: INSECT anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 THEMATIC: MAMMAL anon
Index Great Britain to Issue Six Stamps Jan. 20 to Highlight Threatened Plants and Animals p. 1, 16 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott anon
Index Britain's Diana Tribute [Feb 3 98] p. 2 Great Britain: Scott anon
Index Britain's Diana Tribute [Feb 3 98] p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain : Scott anon
Index 'Arleigh Gaines,' 1949-1997 [Ronald L. Ginns, Esq] p. 2 WRITER: GAINES, ARLEIGH Haeseler, Rob
Index 'Arleigh Gaines,' 1949-1997 [Ronald L. Ginns, Esq] p. 2 WRITER: GAINES, ARLEIGH Haeseler, Rob
Index Transportation Coils p. 2 United States: COIL, TRANSPORTATION Schreiber, Michael
Index Pacific Discovery Gets Good PF Certificate p. 3 United States: SC 5 Laurence, Michael
Index Pacific Discovery Gets Good PF Certificate p. 3 United States: Scott 5 Laurence, Michael
Index Food Stamps That Actually Look Like Stamps p. 6 United States: CINDERELLA, FOOD ORDER Hotchner, John M.
Index Food Stamps That Actually Look Like Stamps p. 6 United States: CINDERELLA MATERIAL, FOOD ORDER, Food Stamps, Department of Agriculture, Surplus Food Order, Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation FSCC, Booklets, 2-B, 3-B, 4-B Food Stamps Listed under "Food Orders" in 4th edition of "Springer's Handbook of North American Cinderella Stamps Including Taxpaid Revenues," 1966.Hotchner, John M.
Index In Sea of Flags, Some Varieties Never Surface p. 8 United States: Scott 2920 Schreiber, Michael
Index In Sea of Flags, Some Varieties Never Surface p. 8 United States: Scott 2920 Schreiber, Michael
Index Palazolo Named to New CSA Post p. 12 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: Confederate Stamp Alliance anon
Index Palazolo Named to New CSA Post p. 12 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: Confederate Stamp Alliance anon
Index Maldives: Spelling Mistake p. 12 MALDIVES: Scott, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index Maldives: Spelling Mistake p. 12 MALDIVES: Scott, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index Red Ink Almost Missing from Yellow Rose Stamp p. 14 United States: SC 3049, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index Red Ink Almost Missing from Yellow Rose Stamp p. 14 United States: Scott 3049, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index USPS Sacks One of Its Foreign Stamp Agents p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index USPS Sacks One of Its Foreign Stamp Agents p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index 'USA' Perforation in Mars Sheet Is Formed by 18 Ground-Out Holes p. 18 THEMATIC: SPACE Schreiber, Michael
Index 'USA' Perforation in Mars Sheet Is Formed by 18 Ground-Out Holes p. 18 THEMATIC: SPACE Schreiber, Michael
Index 'USA' Perforation in Mars Sheet Is Formed by 18 Ground-Out Holes p. 18 United States: Scott 3178 Schreiber, Michael
Index Big Kwanzaa Sheets Shipped Flat by USPS p. 18 United States: SC 3175 anon
Index Big Kwanzaa Sheets Shipped Flat by USPS p. 18 United States: Scott 3175 anon
Index Avery Test Pane Uses Scroll Design p. 19 United States: BOOKLET, TEST Schreiber, Michael
Index Australian Gardens [Feb 26 98] p. 20 AUSTRALIA: Postal Stationery anon
Index Australian Gardens [Feb 26 98] p. 20 AUSTRALIA: Postal Stationery anon
Index Australian Gardens [Feb 26 98] p. 20 THEMATIC: FLORA anon
Index Postal Service Stamp Packaging Adds Warning Labels for Storage p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Schreiber, Michael
Index Postal Service Stamp Packaging Adds Warning Labels for Storage p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Schreiber, Michael
Index First 1998 U.S. Stamp Welcomes Year 4696 p. 26 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, CAT Baadke, Michael
Index First 1998 U.S. Stamp Welcomes Year 4696 p. 26 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, CAT Baadke, Michael
Index First 1998 U.S. Stamp Welcomes Year 4696 p. 26 United States: Scott 3179 Baadke, Michael
Index Locals of Haut-Oubanghi p. 27 FRENCH CONGO: CINDERELLA, Locals and Private Posts Williams, L.N.
Index Locals of Haut-Oubanghi p. 27 FRENCH CONGO: CINDERELLA, Locals and Private Posts Williams, L.N.
Index Russians Know How to Put on a Good Show p. 28 EXHIBITION: MOSCOW 97 Lester Winick
Index Russians Know How to Put on a Good Show p. 28 EXHIBITION: MOSCOW 97 Lester Winick
Index Olympic Stamps to Shine for Sydney 2000 p. 32 THEMATIC: SPORT, OLYMPIC Glen Stephens
Index Olympic Stamps to Shine for Sydney 2000 p. 32 THEMATIC: SPORT, OLYMPIC Glen Stephens
Index Portugal's Public Postage [Oct 9 97] p. 34 PORTUGAL: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Portugal's Public Postage [Oct 9 97] p. 34 PORTUGAL: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Brazilian [Jan 25 97] and Aruban American Series Stamps p. 34 BRASIL: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Brazilian [Jan 25 97] and Aruban American Series Stamps p. 34 BRASIL: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Brazilian and Aruban [Mar 25 97] American Series Stamps p. 34 ARUBA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Brazilian and Aruban [Mar 25 97] American Series Stamps p. 34 ARUBA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Belgian Self-Adhesive [Dec 1 97] p. 34 BELGIUM: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Belgian Self-Adhesive [Dec 1 97] p. 34 BELGIUM: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Iceland [Nov 5 97] p. 35 ICELAND: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Iceland [Nov 5 97] p. 35 ICELAND: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Icleland [Nov 5 97] p. 35 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, HORSE Hatton, Denise
Index Icleland [Nov 5 97] p. 35 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, HORSE Hatton, Denise
Index Malta [Jul 10 97] p. 35 MALTA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Malta [Jul 10 97] p. 35 THEMATIC: THEATER Hatton, Denise
Index Malta [Jul 10 97] p. 35 MALTA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index New Book Lists 1977 U.S. Lindbergh FDCs p. 38 United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index New Book Lists 1977 U.S. Lindbergh FDCs p. 38 United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index Varieties Abound among Narcotics Tax Stamps p. 44 United States: SC RJA Friedberg, Richard
Index Varieties Abound among Narcotics Tax Stamps p. 44 United States: Scott RJA Friedberg, Richard
Index Review of British Postage Due Usage p. 54 Great Britain: Scott J Alderfer, David
Index Review of British Postage Due Usage p. 54 United Kingdom, Great Britain : Scott J Alderfer, David
Index Precancel Society's New Catalog Shows a New Minimum Value p. 58 United States: PRECANCELS, CATALOG anon
Index Precancel Society's New Catalog Shows a New Minimum Value p. 58 United States: PRECANCELS, CATALOG anon
Index Italian Airmail to Greece p. 58 GREECE: Scott C1-4 Robert E. Lana
Index Italian Airmail to Greece p. 58 ITALY: Air Mail Robert E. Lana
Index Italian Airmail to Greece p. 58 ITALY: Air Mail Robert E. Lana
Index Italian Airmail to Greece p. 58 GREECE: Scott C1-4 Robert E. Lana