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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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19 January 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3612
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19 Jan 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3612
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Index College Days: Mailing Cases for Dirty Laundry pp. 18-19 United States: Postal History, LAUNDRY Graham, Richard B.
Index De Pinedo's 1925 Far Eastern Aerial Tour pp. 54-55 INDIA: Air Mail Rogers, Michael
Index De Pinedo's 1925 Far Eastern Aerial Tour pp. 54-55 INDIA: Air Mail Rogers, Michael
Index Relatives on Ukrainian Stamp pp. 26-27 UKRAINE: Scott 232 Hatton, Denise
Index Relatives on Ukrainian Stamp pp. 26-27 UKRAINE: Scott 232 Hatton, Denise
Index Pathfinder Stamp Includes Hidden Scrambled Images p. 1, 11 THEMATIC: SPACE Baadke, Michael
Index Pathfinder Stamp Includes Hidden Scrambled Images p. 1, 11 THEMATIC: SPACE Baadke, Michael
Index Pathfinder Stamp Includes Hidden Scrambled Images p. 1, 11 United States: Scott 3178 Baadke, Michael
Index Bugs Stamp Tops 1997 USPS Revenue Survey; Top-10 Stamp Sales Reap $75 Million Plus p. 1, 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Schreiber, Michael
Index Bugs Stamp Tops 1997 USPS Revenue Survey; Top-10 Stamp Sales Reap $75 Million Plus p. 1, 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Schreiber, Michael
Index Germany's Bridge Series; Nordlingen and Maulbronn [ Jan 22 98] p. 1, 63 GERMANY: Scott 1989 anon
Index Germany's Bridge Series; Nordlingen and Maulbronn [ Jan 22 98] p. 1, 63 GERMANY: Scott 1989 anon
Index New Total for Special Riverboats; Some FDCs Bear Special Stamps p. 2 United States: SC 3095b Schreiber, Michael
Index New Total for Special Riverboats; Some FDCs Bear Special Stamps p. 2 United States: Scott 3095b Schreiber, Michael
Index Back Printing on Mars Vanishes When Soaked p. 2 THEMATIC: SPACE anon
Index Back Printing on Mars Vanishes When Soaked p. 2 THEMATIC: SPACE anon
Index Back Printing on Mars Vanishes When Soaked p. 2 United States: Scott 3178 anon
Index Not for the Squeamish: Corpse Receipt Redux p. 3 United States: SC R25 Laurence, Michael
Index Not for the Squeamish: Corpse Receipt Redux p. 3 United States: Scott R25 Laurence, Michael
Index Two Left Feet [letter] p. 4 THEMATIC: SPORT, SKIING Warren D. Hicks
Index Two Left Feet [letter] p. 4 THEMATIC: SPORT, SKIING Warren D. Hicks
Index Two Left Feet [letter] p. 4 United States: Scott 3180, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities Warren D. Hicks
Index Samuel Crumbine's Crusade Against the Fly p. 6 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Hotchner, John M.
Index Samuel Crumbine's Crusade Against the Fly p. 6 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Lithuania 40-cental Independence Anniversary Airmail Issue of 1932 Scott C59 p. 6 LITHUANIA: Scott C59, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Lithuania 40-cental Independence Anniversary Airmail Issue of 1932 Scott C59 p. 6 LITHUANIA: Scott C59, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index 'Winter Sports' Skier, But No 'Winter Games' p. 8 THEMATIC: SPORT, SKIING Baadke, Michael
Index 'Winter Sports' Skier, But No 'Winter Games' p. 8 THEMATIC: SPORT, SKIING Baadke, Michael
Index 'Winter Sports' Skier, But No 'Winter Games' p. 8 United States: Scott 3180 Baadke, Michael
Index Jaffer Talks Up Stamps, Collecting on C-SPAN p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Baadke, Michael
Index Jaffer Talks Up Stamps, Collecting on C-SPAN p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Baadke, Michael
Index Madame C.J. Walker on Black Heritage Stamp [Jan 22 98] p. 12 United States: Scott 3181, Topical Collecting, BLACK HERITAGE Baadke, Michael
Index Great Britain Perfin Society, The p. 14 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: GB Perfins SOC anon
Index Great Britain Perfin Society, The p. 14 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: GB Perfins SOC anon
Index ATA's Kelsey to Step Down p. 14 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: ATA, American Topical Association deVries, Lloyd
Index ATA's Kelsey to Step Down p. 14 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: ATA, American Topical Association deVries, Lloyd
Index Fake Silver Jubilees Found in Hong Kong p. 16 CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott 147-150, Forgeries and Counterfeits Stamp Wholesaler
Index Fake Silver Jubilees Found in Hong Kong p. 16 CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott 147-150, Forgeries and Counterfeits Stamp Wholesaler
Index Richard Frajola Is on the Comeback Trail p. 24 DEALER: FRAJOLA, RICHARD Lester Winick
Index Richard Frajola Is on the Comeback Trail p. 24 DEALER: FRAJOLA, RICHARD Lester Winick
Index Solidarity Series [ Oct 25 97] p. 26 BELGIUM: Scott B Hatton, Denise
Index Solidarity Series [ Oct 25 97] p. 26 BELGIUM: Scott B Hatton, Denise
Index Solidarity Series [Belgium Oct 25 97] p. 26 THEMATIC: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index Solidarity Series [Belgium Oct 25 97] p. 26 THEMATIC: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index Spanish Series to Honor Its Jewish Heritage [Nov 28 97] p. 26 SPAIN: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Spanish Series to Honor Its Jewish Heritage [Nov 28 97] p. 26 SPAIN: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Spanish Series to Honor Its Jewish Heritage [Nov 28 97] p. 26 THEMATIC: JUDAICA Hatton, Denise
Index Light in Darkness [Nov 7 97] p. 26 AUSTRIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Light in Darkness [Nov 7 97] p. 26 AUSTRIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Tunisian Lizards [Sep 9 97] p. 27 TUNISIA: Scott 1130-1132 Hatton, Denise
Index South Africa [Dec 97] p. 27 SOUTH AFRICA: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index South Africa [Dec 97] p. 27 SOUTH AFRICA: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index Expert Testimony on Mailing Laundry Home p. 28 United States: Postal History, LAUNDRY Haeseler, Rob
Index Expert Testimony on Mailing Laundry Home p. 28 United States: Postal History, LAUNDRY Haeseler, Rob
Index No New Love Design in 1998; New Supply of Swans Coming p. 30 THEMATIC: LOVE deVries, Lloyd
Index No New Love Design in 1998; New Supply of Swans Coming p. 30 United States: Scott 2957 deVries, Lloyd
Index Rare Trade Sample Sheet to Be Sold p. 32 PRINTER: ABNCo Haeseler, Rob
Index Rare Trade Sample Sheet to Be Sold p. 32 PRINTER: American Bank Note Company Haeseler, Rob
Index Matthew Bennet, Inc. auction ad p. 33 United States: Scott 164L1 Harry Bennett
Index Matthew Bennet, Inc. auction ad p. 33 United States: Scott 164L1 Harry Bennett
Index Important Dates in Meter Stamp History, The p. 56 United States: Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index Important Dates in Meter Stamp History, The p. 56 United States: Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index CD-ROM of Forgeries of Japanese Stamps p. 62 JAPAN: Forgeries and Counterfeits Sharpe, William F.
Index CD-ROM of Forgeries of Japanese Stamps p. 62 JAPAN: Forgeries and Counterfeits Sharpe, William F.
Index Australian Envelope [Feb 5 98] p. 63 AUSTRALIA: Postal Stationery anon
Index Australian Envelope [Feb 5 98] p. 63 AUSTRALIA: Postal Stationery anon
Index Australian Envelope [Feb 5 98] p. 63 THEMATIC: SPORT, OLYMPIC anon