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Journal / Periodical
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26 January 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3613
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26 Jan 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3613
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Index How Politics Benefit Few at a Cost to Many pp. 24-25 PHILATELY: SOUR GRAPES Lester Winick
Index How Politics Benefit Few at a Cost to Many pp. 24-25 PHILATELY: SOUR GRAPES Lester Winick
Index New 'War Dates' Supplement Adds 40 Years pp. 28-29 United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index New 'War Dates' Supplement Adds 40 Years pp. 28-29 United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Postal Stores Are Source of Recent Early Uses pp. 30-31 United States: Earliest Known Use Schreiber, Michael
Index Postal Stores Are Source of Recent Early Uses pp. 30-31 United States: Earliest Known Use Schreiber, Michael
Index Three Countries Memorialized Mother Teresa pp. 10-11 ARGENTINA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Three Countries Memorialized Mother Teresa pp. 10-11 ARGENTINA: Stamp Collecting Hatton, Denise
Index Three Countries Memorialized Mother Teresa pp. 10-11 THEMATIC: RELIGION Hatton, Denise
Index Royal Mail Sets Firm Date for Diana Stamps [Feb 3 98] p. 1, 36 Great Britain: Scott Glen Stephens
Index Royal Mail Sets Firm Date for Diana Stamps [Feb 3 98] p. 1, 36 United Kingdom, Great Britain : Scott Glen Stephens
Index Designs Unveiled for first Century Stamps; Issues Will Include Four- Pane Press Sheets p. 1, 16 United States: SC 3182-3183 Schreiber, Michael
Index Designs Unveiled for first Century Stamps; Issues Will Include Four- Pane Press Sheets p. 1, 16 United States: Scott 3182-3183 Schreiber, Michael
Index Canada Changes Size of Flag Stamp p. 2 CANADA: Scott 1360P Charles J.G. Verge
Index Canada Changes Size of Flag Stamp p. 2 CANADA: Scott 1360P Charles J.G. Verge
Index Dunn to Pacific: 'No' p. 3 EXHIBITION: PACIFIC 97 Haeseler, Rob
Index Dunn to Pacific: 'No' p. 3 EXHIBITION: PACIFIC 97 Haeseler, Rob
Index Christmas in Jamaica p. 6 JAMAICA: CINDERELLA, SEALS Hotchner, John M.
Index Christmas in Jamaica p. 6 JAMAICA: CINDERELLA, SEALS Hotchner, John M.
Index Warning of Hard Labor at Scruffy Murphy's p. 6 Great Britain: Postal History Hotchner, John M.
Index Warning of Hard Labor at Scruffy Murphy's p. 6 United Kingdom, Great Britain : Postal History Hotchner, John M.
Index Scouting Design Shown Early p. 8 THEMATIC: SCOUT Schreiber, Michael
Index Scouting Design Shown Early p. 8 THEMATIC: SCOUT Schreiber, Michael
Index Scouting Design Shown Early p. 8 United States: Scott 3183j Schreiber, Michael
Index Runyon Wants the USPS to Pay His Coke Legal Fees p. 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), PMG McAllister, Bill
Index Runyon Wants the USPS to Pay His Coke Legal Fees p. 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), PMG McAllister, Bill
Index No Recall for 32c Kwanzaa p. 12 United States: SC 3175 Schreiber, Michael
Index No Recall for 32c Kwanzaa p. 12 United States: Scott 3175 Schreiber, Michael
Index Expect Later Dates for Many 1998 Stamps p. 18 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index Expect Later Dates for Many 1998 Stamps p. 18 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index U.S. Postal Service Faces a Profit Quandry p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Postal Service Faces a Profit Quandry p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Mexican Postcard Mystery from 1911 Race p. 26 MEXICO: Postal History Pulver, Dale
Index Mexican Postcard Mystery from 1911 Race p. 26 MEXICO: Postal History Pulver, Dale
Index 2c 1869 Stamp Offers Possibilities pp. 32 United States: Scott 113 Jon Rose
Index 2c 1869 Stamp Offers Possibilities pp. 32 United States: Scott 113 Jon Rose
Index Challenge: Collect Canada's 1954 Stamps, A p. 44 CANADA: Scott 335-345 Burnett, John
Index Challenge: Collect Canada's 1954 Stamps, A p. 44 CANADA: Scott 335-345 Burnett, John
Index Zimbabwe to Show Four Animals [Jan 20 98] p. 45 THEMATIC: MAMMAL|THEMATIC: MAMMAL ann
Index Zimbabwe to Show Four Animals [Jan 20 98] p. 45 ZIMBABWE: Scott 792-795|ZIMBABWE: Scott 792-795 anon