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23 February 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3617
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23 Feb 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3617
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Index More on Paquebot and Sea Post Markings pp.18-19 JAPAN: Postal Markings, MARITIME Graham, Richard B.
Index More on Paquebot and Sea Post Markings pp.18-19 Postal Markings: MARITIME Graham, Richard B.
Index More on Paquebot and Sea Post Markings pp.18-19 JAPAN: Postal Markings, MARITIME Graham, Richard B.
Index More on Paquebot and Sea Post Markings pp.18-19 Postal Markings: MARITIME Graham, Richard B.
Index More on Paquebot and Sea Post Markings pp.18-19 United States: Postal Markings, MARITIME Graham, Richard B.
Index Probe of Foundation Ends; New York Files No Charges p. 1, 16 PHILATELIC FOUNDATION: PF Schreiber, Michael
Index Probe of Foundation Ends; New York Files No Charges p. 1, 16 PHILATELIC FOUNDATION: PF Schreiber, Michael
Index Scott Sues Publisher Over Use of Catalog Numbers p. 1, 10 PUBLISHER: SCOTT Haeseler, Rob
Index Scott Sues Publisher Over Use of Catalog Numbers p. 1, 10 PUBLISHER: SCOTT Haeseler, Rob
Index Fabulous Plate Block Collection to Be Sold; Contains Rarities Seldom Offered Together p. 1, 12 United States: PLATE NUMBER Haeseler, Rob
Index Fabulous Plate Block Collection to Be Sold; Contains Rarities Seldom Offered Together p. 1, 12 United States: PLATE NUMBER Haeseler, Rob
Index Fabulous Plate Block Collection to Be Sold; Contains Rarities Seldom Offered Together p. 1, 12 United States: Scott 7 Haeseler, Rob
Index British Diana Stamps Are Available from USPS p. 2 Great Britain: Scott anon
Index British Diana Stamps Are Available from USPS p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott anon
Index Coil Plate Strip of Seven Stolen p. 2 United States: Scott 1891 anon
Index Coil Plate Strip of Seven Stolen p. 2 United States: Scott 1891 anon
Index Diana Set Popular on First Day [Feb 3 98] p. 2 Great Britain: Scott, First Day Covers anon
Index Diana Set Popular on First Day [Feb 3 98] p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain : Scott, First Day Covers anon
Index Evidence of Hawaii Overprint Hanky-Panky p. 6 United States: Scott 647-648, Forgeries and Counterfeits Hotchner, John M.
Index Evidence of Hawaii Overprint Hanky-Panky p. 6 United States: Scott 647-648, Forgeries and Counterfeits Hotchner, John M.
Index Ethics Boss Says Runyon Can't Blame USPS p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), PMG McAllister, Bill
Index Ethics Boss Says Runyon Can't Blame USPS p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), PMG McAllister, Bill
Index Iraqi Sheet Sold for Only One Day p. 9 IRAQ: Scott anon
Index Iraqi Sheet Sold for Only One Day p. 9 THEMATIC: SPORT, SOCCER anon
Index Iraqi Sheet Sold for Only One Day p. 9 IRAQ: Scott anon
Index Ivy & Marder Auction Firm Moves p. 9 DEALER: IVY & MADER anon
Index Ivy & Marder Auction Firm Moves p. 9 DEALER: IVY & MADER anon
Index China's Monkey Stamp Sheet in Bennett Sale p. 10 CHINA: People's Republic of China (PRC); Scott 1586 Glen Stephens
Index China's Monkey Stamp Sheet in Bennett Sale p. 10 CHINA: People's Republic of China (PRC); Scott 1586 Glen Stephens
Index Yellow Rose Pane Appears with Message for Bone Marrow Program p. 11 United States: SC 3049|United States: Scott 3049 Schreiber, Michael
Index Thailand to Issue Sports Semipostals [Mar 27 98] p. 11 THAILAND: Scott B anon
Index Thailand to Issue Sports Semipostals [Mar 27 98] p. 11 THAILAND: Scott B anon
Index Thailand to Issue Sports Semipostals [Mar 27 98] p. 11 THEMATIC: SPORT anon
Index Tonga's Stamp Adviser Reliquishes His Post p. 11 TONGA: ann
Index Tonga's Stamp Adviser Reliquishes His Post p. 11 TONGA: ann
Index Fabulous Plate Block Collection to Be Sold; Contains Rarities Seldom Offered Together p. 12 United States: Scott 218 Haeseler, Rob
Index Fabulous Plate Block Collection to Be Sold; Contains Rarities Seldom Offered Together p. 12 United States: Scott 313 Haeseler, Rob
Index Denmark's Souvenir Sheets [May 28 98] p. 14 DENMARK: Scott anon
Index Denmark's Souvenir Sheets [May 28 98] p. 14 DENMARK: Scott anon
Index Denmark's Souvenir Sheets [May 28 98] p. 14 THEMATIC: SHIP anon
Index Mars Sheet One Day Early in Texas p. 14 United States: Scott 3178, Earliest Known Use anon
Index Mars Sheet One Day Early in Texas p. 14 United States: Scott 3178, Earliest Known Use anon
Index Postal Museum Shows FDR Stamp Designs p. 20 United States: MUSEUM McAllister, Bill
Index Postal Museum Shows FDR Stamp Designs p. 20 United States: MUSEUM McAllister, Bill
Index Stamp Chosen Best for 1997 Finland p. 22 FINLAND: Scott B anon
Index Stamp Chosen Best for 1997 Finland p. 22 FINLAND: Scott B anon
Index Asian Money Troubles Affect Stamp Market p. 24 CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott 35 Lester Winick
Index Asian Money Troubles Affect Stamp Market p. 24 CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott 35 Lester Winick
Index New Follansbee Catalog of Mexico p. 26 MEXICO: CATALOG, FOLLANSBEE Pulver, Dale
Index New Follansbee Catalog of Mexico p. 26 MEXICO: CATALOG, FOLLANSBEE Pulver, Dale
Index Early 20th Century Commems Undervalued p. 30 United States: SC Jon Rose
Index Early 20th Century Commems Undervalued p. 30 United States: Scott Jon Rose
Index Canada's High-Value Arch Stamps of 1930 p. 32 CANADA: Scott 174-177 Burnett, John
Index Canada's High-Value Arch Stamps of 1930 p. 32 CANADA: Scott 174-177 Burnett, John
Index History of Italian Comic Strips {Sep 18 97] p. 34 SAN MARINO: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index History of Italian Comic Strips {Sep 18 97] p. 34 SAN MARINO: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Humor from the Czech Republic p. 34 CZECH REPUBLIC: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Humor from the Czech Republic p. 34 CZECH REPUBLIC: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Japan Introduces New Series Featuring Songs [Oct 24 97] p. 34 JAPAN: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Japan Introduces New Series Featuring Songs [Oct 24 97] p. 34 JAPAN: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index New Stamp Design Recalls Proprietary Issues p. 40 United States: SC 3182f Griffenhagen, George
Index New Stamp Design Recalls Proprietary Issues p. 40 United States: Scott 3182f Griffenhagen, George
Index Ireland Honors Four Early Aviators [Feb 24 98] p. 45 IRELAND: Scott anon
Index Ireland Honors Four Early Aviators [Feb 24 98] p. 45 IRELAND: Scott anon
Index Brewing Up a Collecton: the Topic Is Beer p. 54 THEMATIC: BEER Baadke, Michael
Index Brewing Up a Collecton: the Topic Is Beer p. 54 THEMATIC: BEER Baadke, Michael
Index Brewing Up a Collecton: the Topic Is Beer p. 54 THEMATIC: CHEMISTRY Baadke, Michael