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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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16 March 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3620
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16 Mar 1998
Number of Pages:
Vol 71 Iss: 3620
Item Alt No:
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Index Collecting as Portrayed in Ads, Magazines p. 50-51 PHILATELY: Dennis Hatton
Index Collecting as Portrayed in Ads, Magazines p. 50-51 PHILATELY: Dennis Hatton
Index Hamburg Treaty of 1857 Fostered Lower Rates pp. 18-19 United States: Postal History, TREATY, HAMBURG Graham, Richard B.
Index Hamburg Treaty of 1857 Fostered Lower Rates pp. 18-19 United States: Postal History, TREATY, HAMBURG Graham, Richard B.
Index Hong Kong Stamps with China Overprints pp. 22-23 CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott Rogers, Michael
Index Hong Kong Stamps with China Overprints pp. 22-23 CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott Rogers, Michael
Index How the Term 'Meter Stamp' Came About pp. 62-63 United States: Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index How the Term 'Meter Stamp' Came About pp. 62-63 United States: Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index Stamps Exhibit the Art of Alexander Calder p. 8-9 United States: SC 3198 anon
Index Stamps Exhibit the Art of Alexander Calder p. 8-9 United States: Scott 3198 anon
Index U.N.'s Endangered Species Stamps to Be at Mega-Event p. 1, 11 United Nations: Scott anon
Index U.N.'s Endangered Species Stamps to Be at Mega-Event p. 1, 11 UNITED NATIONS : Scott anon
Index Stamp Contracts Awarded to Four Private Companies p. 1, 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Schreiber, Michael
Index Stamp Contracts Awarded to Four Private Companies p. 1, 12 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) Schreiber, Michael
Index Flowering Trees Self-Adhesive Stamps Debut March 19 at Spring Mega-Event in New York p. 1, 9 United States: Scott 3193-3197a Baadke, Michael
Index Flowering Trees Self-Adhesive Stamps Debut March 19 at Spring Mega-Event in New York p. 1, 9 United States: Scott 3193-3197a Baadke, Michael
Index John Foxworth, 1932-98 p. 2 PHILATELIST: FOXWORTH, JOHN anon
Index New Director Appointed for Spellman Museum p. 2 United States: MUSEUM anon
Index New Director Appointed for Spellman Museum p. 2 United States: MUSEUM anon
Index UNPA Delays Rainforests Set p. 2 United Nations: Scott anon
Index UNPA Delays Rainforests Set p. 2 UNITED NATIONS : Scott anon
Index Goldway to Replace Quick on Rate Panel p. 3 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Goldway to Replace Quick on Rate Panel p. 3 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Design Source for 5c Trans-Mississippi p. 3 United States: Scott 288 Laurence, Michael
Index Design Source for 5c Trans-Mississippi p. 3 United States: Scott 288 Laurence, Michael
Index Hair, Bug and Blob on Pacific 97 Stamps, A p. 6 United States: SC 3130 Hotchner, John M.
Index Hair, Bug and Blob on Pacific 97 Stamps, A p. 6 United States: Scott 3130 Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries China 1894 1-Canadarin Commemorative Issue Scott 16 p. 6 CHINA: Scott 16 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries China 1894 1-Canadarin Commemorative Issue Scott 16 p. 6 CHINA: Scott 16 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Microprinting Hiding Among Leaves p. 14 United States: SC 3177 Schreiber, Michael
Index Microprinting Hiding Among Leaves p. 14 United States: Scott 3177 Schreiber, Michael
Index Japan Honors Olympics and Ado Hiroshige p. 16 JAPAN: Scott 2605-2607 Hatton, Denise
Index Japan Honors Olympics and Ado Hiroshige p. 16 JAPAN: Scott 2605-2607 Hatton, Denise
Index Disney Sets from Micronesia, Ghana p. 31 GHANA: Scott 2008-2013 anon
Index Disney Sets from Micronesia, Ghana p. 31 MICRONESIA: Scott anon
Index Disney Sets from Micronesia, Ghana p. 31 GHANA: Scott 2008-2013 anon
Index Disney Sets from Micronesia, Ghana p. 31 MICRONESIA: Scott anon
Index Disney Sets from Micronesia, Ghana p. 31 THEMATIC: DISNEY anon
Index Meaning of Green, Red and Blue Stamps p. 32 UPU: Haeseler, Rob
Index Meaning of Green, Red and Blue Stamps p. 32 UPU: Haeseler, Rob
Index FDR Used on Stamps Promoting Collecting p. 48 THEMATIC:PRESIDENT, FDR Brian Baur
Index FDR Used on Stamps Promoting Collecting p. 48 THEMATIC:PRESIDENT, FDR Brian Baur
Index Allan B. Crawford Honored p. 55 Great Britain: DESIGNER anon
Index Allan B. Crawford Honored p. 55 United Kingdom, Great Britain : DESIGNER anon
Index Flowers from Zambia p. 55 THEMATIC: FLORA anon
Index Flowers from Zambia p. 55 ZAMBIA: Scott anon
Index Flowers from Zambia p. 55 THEMATIC: FLORA anon
Index Exchange Clubs a Mecca for Some Collectors p. 67 PHILATELY: Vic Pawlak
Index Exchange Clubs a Mecca for Some Collectors p. 67 PHILATELY: Vic Pawlak
Index UNPA Issues Postal Stationery p. 67 United Nations: Scott UX anon
Index UNPA Issues Postal Stationery p. 67 UNITED NATIONS : Scott UX anon