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23 March 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3621
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23 Mar 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3621
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Index Ancillary Markings and Labels Explain Delays p. 24-25 PHILIPPINES: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Ancillary Markings and Labels Explain Delays p. 24-25 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Rights Holders Lurk behind Upcoming Stamps p. 8-9 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index Rights Holders Lurk behind Upcoming Stamps p. 8-9 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index Self-Stick Stamps Grow to 81 Percent of Market p. 1 United States: SELF-ADHESIVE McAllister, Bill
Index Self-Stick Stamps Grow to 81 Percent of Market p. 1 United States: SELF-ADHESIVE McAllister, Bill
Index Canada's First ATM Made in the USA by Avery [Apr 11 98] p. 1, 11 CANADA: Scott anon
Index Canada's First ATM Made in the USA by Avery [Apr 11 98] p. 1, 11 CANADA: Scott anon
Index Louis Grunin's Prized Mulready Collection Goes to the Auction Block in Great Britain p. 1, 26 AUCTION: GRUNIN Haeseler, Rob
Index Louis Grunin's Prized Mulready Collection Goes to the Auction Block in Great Britain p. 1, 26 AUCTION: GRUNIN Haeseler, Rob
Index Louis Grunin's Prized Mulready Collection Goes to the Auction Block in Great Britain p. 1, 26 United Kingdom, Great Britain : Postal Stationery Haeseler, Rob
Index New Zealand Teddy Bear Error Brings Record Price p. 2 NEW ZEALAND: Scott B154-155 Glen Stephens
Index New Zealand Teddy Bear Error Brings Record Price p. 2 NEW ZEALAND: Scott B154-155 Glen Stephens
Index Linn's Stirred Interest in Stamp p. 2 NEW ZEALAND: Scott B154-155 Hatton, Denise
Index Linn's Stirred Interest in Stamp p. 2 NEW ZEALAND: Scott B154-155 Hatton, Denise
Index Middies Captured Their Fame for Posterity p. 6 United States: SC 3001 Hotchner, John M.
Index Middies Captured Their Fame for Posterity p. 6 United States: Scott 3001 Hotchner, John M.
Index Arbor Day 1932 p. 6 United States: SC 717 Hotchner, John M.
Index Arbor Day 1932 p. 6 United States: Scott 717 Hotchner, John M.
Index Netherlands to Issue Three Semipostals [Apr 21 98] p. 9 NETHERLANDS: Scott B anon
Index Netherlands to Issue Three Semipostals [Apr 21 98] p. 9 NETHERLANDS: Scott B anon
Index Nevis Diana Tribute Issue Sold Out [Sep 19 97] p. 9 NEVIS: Scott anon
Index Nevis Diana Tribute Issue Sold Out [Sep 19 97] p. 9 NEVIS: Scott anon
Index 32c Henry Luce Is Great Americans Stamp [Apr 3 98] p. 12 THEMATIC: JAPOS Schreiber, Michael
Index 32c Henry Luce Is Great Americans Stamp [Apr 3 98] p. 12 THEMATIC: PERSONALITY Schreiber, Michael
Index 32c Henry Luce Is Great Americans Stamp [Apr 3 98] p. 12 THEMATIC: JAPOS Schreiber, Michael
Index Canada Post Issues Third Birds of Canada Set [Mar 13 98] p. 14 CANADA: Scott anon
Index Canada Post Issues Third Birds of Canada Set [Mar 13 98] p. 14 CANADA: Scott anon
Index Profitable USPS Still Wants 1c Rate Increase p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Profitable USPS Still Wants 1c Rate Increase p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Panama [Pres. Jimmy Carter 1997] p. 18 PANAMA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Panama [Pres. Jimmy Carter 1997] p. 18 PANAMA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Panama [Pres. Jimmy Carter 1997] p. 18 THEMATIC: PERSONALITY, PRESIDENT Hatton, Denise
Index Slovenia Shows Pine Wedding on Masks Pair [Jan 22 98] p. 18 SLOVENIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Slovenia Shows Pine Wedding on Masks Pair [Jan 22 98] p. 18 SLOVENIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Slovenia Shows Pine Wedding on Masks Pair [Jan 22 98] p. 18 THEMATIC: MASK Hatton, Denise
Index Saddam Hussein Stamps [1997] p. 18 IRAQ: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Saddam Hussein Stamps [1997] p. 18 IRAQ: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 12 97] p. 19 CHILE: Scott 1225-1226 Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 12 97] p. 19 CHILE: Scott 1225-1226 Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 COSTA RICA: Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 THEMATIC: BICYCLE Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 COSTA RICA: Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 THEMATIC: BICYCLE Hatton, Denise
Index America Series [Oct 9 97] p. 19 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, DOG Hatton, Denise
Index Ancillary Markings and Labels Explain Delays p. 24 SURINAM: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Ancillary Markings and Labels Explain Delays p. 24 SURINAM: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Crown Agents Announces Diana Issue Dates p. 30 PITCAIRN: Scott Glen Stephens
Index Crown Agents Announces Diana Issue Dates p. 30 PITCAIRN: Scott Glen Stephens
Index Crown Agents Announces Diana Issue Dates p. 30 THEMATIC: ROYALTY, DIANA Glen Stephens
Index Two Similar Covers, Very Different Tales p. 34 CANADA: Scott 17 Burnett, John
Index Two Similar Covers, Very Different Tales p. 34 CANADA: Scott 37c Burnett, John
Index Two Similar Covers, Very Different Tales p. 34 CANADA: Scott F1 Burnett, John
Index Two Similar Covers, Very Different Tales p. 34 CANADA: Scott 17 Burnett, John
Index Two Similar Covers, Very Different Tales p. 34 CANADA: Scott F1 Burnett, John
Index Hard-Working Sled Dogs Earn Their Honor p. 52 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, DOG Barbara Anderson
Index Hard-Working Sled Dogs Earn Their Honor p. 52 THEMATIC: MAMMAL, DOG Barbara Anderson
Index Luxembourg to Issue Nine Stamps [Mar 25 98] p. 59 LUXEMBOURG: Scott anon
Index Luxembourg to Issue Nine Stamps [Mar 25 98] p. 59 LUXEMBOURG: Scott anon