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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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27 April 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3626
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27 Apr 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3626
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Index Illustrated Covers: First Flights of New Planes pp. 18-19 United States: Air Mail, First Flight Cover Graham, Richard B.
Index Illustrated Covers: First Flights of New Planes pp. 18-19 United States: Air Mail, First Flight Cover Graham, Richard B.
Index Auckland Dealers in the Dark p.19 NEW ZEALAND: DEALER Glen Stephens
Index Auckland Dealers in the Dark p.19 NEW ZEALAND: DEALER Glen Stephens
Index Rare First-Day Covers [eStamp] p 8 United States: Metered Mail, First Day Cover McAllister, Bill
Index Rare First-Day Covers [eStamp] p 8 United States: Metered Mail, First Day Cover McAllister, Bill
Index Stanley Gibbons Company Sold to Vendor of Flowers p. 1, 11 DEALER: STANLEY GIBBONS Haeseler, Rob
Index Canada to Issue 45c Imperial Penny Postage [May 29 98] and Mining, Metallurgy, Petroleum [May 4 98] Stamps p. 1, 10 CANADA: Scott anon
Index Canada to Issue 45c Imperial Penny Postage [May 29 98] and Mining, Metallurgy, Petroleum [May 4 98] Stamps p. 1, 10 CANADA: Scott anon
Index Elaine Boughner Retires; Michael Schreiber Promoted p. 1, 14 WRITER: SCHREIBER, MICHAEL anon
Index Elaine Boughner Retires; Michael Schreiber Promoted p. 1, 14 WRITER: SCHREIBER, MICHAEL anon
Index Focus Groups Said They'd Pay 40c for Nation's First Semipostal Stamp p. 2 United States: SC B McAllister, Bill
Index Focus Groups Said They'd Pay 40c for Nation's First Semipostal Stamp p. 2 United States: Scott B McAllister, Bill
Index New Discovery: 5c 1847 to Romania p. 3 United States: Scott 1 Laurence, Michael
Index New Discovery: 5c 1847 to Romania p. 3 United States: Scott 1 Laurence, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Spain 1920 1-centimo Numeral Design Regular Issue Scott 314 p. 6 SPAIN: Scott 314, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index 'Face on Mars' Stamp Saga Gets New Twist p. 8 GRENADA: Scott 1999-2005 William Menker
Index 'Face on Mars' Stamp Saga Gets New Twist p. 8 SIERRA LEONE: Scott 1171 William Menker
Index 'Face on Mars' Stamp Saga Gets New Twist p. 8 GRENADA: Scott 1999-2005 William Menker
Index 'Face on Mars' Stamp Saga Gets New Twist p. 8 SIERRA LEONE: Scott 1171 William Menker
Index Horsetrading, Selvage Help Reduce Cover Cost p. 12 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index Horsetrading, Selvage Help Reduce Cover Cost p. 12 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index British Thematic Booklet Available p. 14 Great Britain: BOOKLET anon
Index British Thematic Booklet Available p. 14 United Kingdom, Great Britain: BOOKLET anon
Index BCA Tour: New Trans-Mississippi and More p. 16 United States: PRINTER, BCA Schreiber, Michael
Index BCA Tour: New Trans-Mississippi and More p. 16 United States: PRINTER, BCA Schreiber, Michael
Index Brown U.S. 4c Grant Stamp of 1903, The p. 24 United States: SC 303, 314a Jon Rose
Index Brown U.S. 4c Grant Stamp of 1903, The p. 24 United States: Scott 303, 314a Jon Rose
Index Collection Idea: Canada's Confederation p. 27 CANADA: Scott Burnett, John
Index Collection Idea: Canada's Confederation p. 27 CANADA: Scott Burnett, John
Index Siegel Firm Now Owned by Trepel p. 28 DEALER: SIEGEL, ROBERT anon
Index Turks & Caicos p. 34 TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Turks & Caicos p. 34 TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Czech Republic Hockey p. 34 CZECH REPUBLIC: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Czech Republic Hockey p. 34 CZECH REPUBLIC: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Czech Republic Hockey p. 34 THEMATIC: SPORT, HOCKY Hatton, Denise
Index Netherlands Sends Stamp to All Households p. 34 NETHERLANDS: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Netherlands Sends Stamp to All Households p. 34 NETHERLANDS: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Norway Features Sites and Ships [Apr 20 98] p. 35 NORWAY: Scott anon
Index Norway Features Sites and Ships [Apr 20 98] p. 35 NORWAY: Scott anon
Index Electronic Exhibits Are Gaining Acceptance p. 36 EXHIBITING: Lester Winick
Index Electronic Exhibits Are Gaining Acceptance p. 36 EXHIBITING: Lester Winick
Index Details and Posdtcards from Endurance Run p. 38 MEXICO: Postal History Pulver, Dale
Index Details and Posdtcards from Endurance Run p. 38 THEMATIC: AUTOMOBILE Pulver, Dale
Index Details and Postcards from Endurance Run p. 38 THEMATIC: AUTOMOBILE Pulver, Dale
Index Details and Postcards from Endurance Run p. 38 MEXICO: Postal History Pulver, Dale
Index Titanic's Mail p. 56 ST VINCENT-GRENADINES: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Titanic's Mail p. 56 ST VINCENT-GRENADINES: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Titanic's Mail p. 56 THEMATIC: SHIP Denise McCarty
Index Different Ways to Pursue Large Shell Topical p. 58 THEMATIC: SEASHELL Eric Jay Dolin
Index Different Ways to Pursue Large Shell Topical p. 58 THEMATIC: SEASHELL Eric Jay Dolin