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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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04 May 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3627
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4 May 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3627
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Index Forged Japanese Occupation Covers Reappear p. 10-11 CHINA: HONG KONG, Postal Markings, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Forged Japanese Occupation Covers Reappear p. 10-11 CHINA: HONG KONG, Postal Markings, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index New Book: Carriers. Locals, Fakes, Forgeries pp. 18-19 United States: CARRIER, LITERATURE Graham, Richard B.
Index New Book: Carriers. Locals, Fakes, Forgeries pp. 18-19 United States: CARRIER, LITERATURE Graham, Richard B.
Index Joseph Heller Likes 'Catch-22' Stamp Id UNITED STATES: Scott 3186 Baadke, Michael
Index Postal Service Won't Change Rule; No Living Person UNITED STATES: Scott 3182-3184 Baadke, Michael
Index John M. Hotchner Named to Postal Service's CSAC p. 1, 9 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), CSAC|Hotchner, John M. Haeseler, Rob
Index John M. Hotchner Named to Postal Service's CSAC p. 1, 9 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee Haeseler, Rob
Index UNPA to Issue 36 Stamps May 28 in Sheets Noting the International Year of the Ocean p. 1, 24 United Nations: Scott, Ocean anon
Index UNPA to Issue 36 Stamps May 28 in Sheets Noting the International Year of the Ocean p. 1, 24 UNITED NATIONS : Scott, Ocean anon
Index USPS Releases Two New Postal Cards for Buildings p. 1, 14 United States: SC UX, Girard Haeseler, Rob
Index USPS Releases Two New Postal Cards for Buildings p. 1, 14 United States: Scott UX, Girard Haeseler, Rob
Index British E-Mail Plans p. 2 Great Britain: Postal History, EMAIL anon
Index British E-Mail Plans p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Postal History, EMAIL anon
Index Rouletting on 1851 Stamp from Waterbury p. 3 United States: Scott 11, ROULETTE Laurence, Michael
Index Rouletting on 1851 Stamp from Waterbury p. 3 United States: Scott 11, ROULETTE Laurence, Michael
Index Reporting on APS [letters] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: American Philatelic Society, APS various
Index Reporting on APS [letters] p. 4 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: American Philatelic Society, APS various
Index USPS Boss Upstages Runyon at His Farewell p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), PMG McAllister, Bill
Index USPS Boss Upstages Runyon at His Farewell p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), PMG McAllister, Bill
Index Overstatement Factor Distorts Data in Postal Service's Stamp Surveys p. 11 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), MARKETING James H. Nelems
Index Overstatement Factor Distorts Data in Postal Service's Stamp Surveys p. 11 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), MARKETING James H. Nelems
Index Forged Cancels on Gilberts' George V p. 14 GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS: Postal Markings, Forgeries and Counterfeits anon
Index Forged Cancels on Gilberts' George V p. 14 GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS: Postal Markings, Forgeries and Counterfeits anon
Index Scroll-Design Dummy Coil Printed in Orange p. 16 United States: COIL, TEST anon
Index Scroll-Design Dummy Coil Printed in Orange p. 16 United States: COIL, TEST anon
Index New Book: Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries p. 18 United States: Scott 15L18, Latest Known Use Graham, Richard B.
Index New Book: Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries p. 18 United States: Scott 15L18, Latest Known Use Graham, Richard B.
Index New Book: Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries p. 19 United States: SC 62L4, Forgeries and Counterfeits Graham, Richard B.
Index New Book: Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries p. 19 United States: Scott 62L4, Forgeries and Counterfeits Graham, Richard B.
Index Federal Duck Stamp Ceremony Set for July 1 p. 22 United States: SC RW Bob Dumaine
Index Federal Duck Stamp Ceremony Set for July 1 p. 22 United States: Scott RW Bob Dumaine
Index Experts Certify Canoe with Gray Ink Missing p. 24 United States: Scott 2453, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index Experts Certify Canoe with Gray Ink Missing p. 24 United States: Scott 2453, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index When a Closer Look Reveals a Greater Rarity p. 28 United States: Confederate States of America, CSA, Scott 29X6 anon
Index When a Closer Look Reveals a Greater Rarity p. 28 United States: Confederate States of America, Scott 29X6 anon
Index When a Closer Look Reveals a Greater Rarity p. 28 United States: Scott 2 anon
Index Updates from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus p. 30 BELARUS: Scott 202-229 Hatton, Denise
Index Updates from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus p. 30 RUSSIA: Scott 6418 Hatton, Denise
Index Updates from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus p. 30 BELARUS: Scott 202-229 Hatton, Denise
Index Updates from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus p. 30 RUSSIA: Scott 6418 Hatton, Denise
Index Updates from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus p. 30 THEMATIC: SPACE Hatton, Denise
Index Updates from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus p. 30 UKRAINE: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index End of U.S. International Airmail Stamps p. 36 United States: SC C131 Dan Barber
Index American Artist Georgia O'Keeffe p. 48 United States: Scott 3069 Richard Thomas
Index American Artist Georgia O'Keeffe p. 48 United States: Scott 3069 Richard Thomas
Index New U.N. Postal Cards p. 48 United Nations: Scott UX anon
Index New U.N. Postal Cards p. 48 UNITED NATIONS : Scott UX anon
Index Errors in Stamp Design East Germany: Wrong Year p. 49 GERMANY: DDR, Scott 106, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index Errors in Stamp Design East Germany: Wrong Year p. 49 GERMANY: DDR, Scott 106, EFO, Errors Freaks and Oddities anon
Index Children Influence Slovenian Poll p. 49 SLOVENIA: Scott anon
Index Children Influence Slovenian Poll p. 49 SLOVENIA: Scott anon
Index Peru Overprint [letter] p. 52 PERU: Scott N11-23 Kenneth A. Nealy
Index Peru Overprint [letter] p. 52 PERU: Scott N11-23 Kenneth A. Nealy