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Journal / Periodical
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25 May 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3630
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25 May 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3630
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Index Mail Scams: 'Fictious' and 'Fraudulent' pp. 38-39 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Mail Scams: 'Fictious' and 'Fraudulent' pp. 38-39 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY Graham, Richard B.
Index U.S. Large Bank Note Stamps of 1870, The pp. 26-27 United States: Scott 134-155 Jon Rose
Index U.S. Large Bank Note Stamps of 1870, The pp. 26-27 United States: Scott 134-155 Jon Rose
Index Alfred Hitchcock 'Legends of Hollywood' UNITED STATES: Scott 3226 Baadke, Michael
Index Australian Rock Stars and Their Hit Songs to Be Honored May 26, 'Oh Yeah Uh Huh'p. 1, 19 AUSTRALIA: SCOTT Glen Stephens
Index Australian Rock Stars and Their Hit Songs to Be Honored May 26, 'Oh Yeah Uh Huh'p. 1, 19 THEAMTIC: MUSIC Glen Stephens
Index Australian Rock Stars and Their Hit Songs to Be Honored May 26, 'Oh Yeah Uh Huh'p. 1, 19 AUSTRALIA: Stamp Collecting Glen Stephens
Index Australian Rock Stars and Their Hit Songs to Be Honored May 26, 'Oh Yeah Uh Huh'p. 1, 19 THEAMTIC: MUSIC Glen Stephens
Index Prostate Cancer Awareness U.S. Stamp Subject in 1999 p. 1 THEMATIC: MEDICINE anon
Index Prostate Cancer Awareness U.S. Stamp Subject in 1999 p. 1 THEMATIC: MEDICINE anon
Index Postal Rate Commissioners Approve 33c Letter Rate p. 2 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates McAllister, Bill
Index Postal Rate Commissioners Approve 33c Letter Rate p. 2 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates McAllister, Bill
Index Hugh W. Gore 1915-1998 p. 3 PHILATELIST: GORE, HUGH W. McAllister, Bill
Index Hugh W. Gore 1915-1998 p. 3 PHILATELIST: GORE, HUGH W. McAllister, Bill
Index Focus on Forgeries St Lucia 1891 2-1/2-penny Colonial Keyplate Issue Scott 31 p. 6 ST LUCIA: Scott 31, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries St Lucia 1891 2-1/2-penny Colonial Keyplate Issue Scott 31 p. 6 ST LUCIA: Scott 31, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Wrigley's Chewing Gum Started Them Early p. 6 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Hotchner, John M.
Index Wrigley's Chewing Gum Started Them Early p. 6 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Hotchner, John M.
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 8 United States: SC 319g Brody, Roger S.
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 8 United States: Scott 319g Brody, Roger S.
Index Greenland to Release Semipostal [May 28 98] p. 8 GREENLAND: Scott B anon
Index Greenland to Release Semipostal [May 28 98] p. 8 GREENLAND: Scott B anon
Index Museum Offers E-Stamp Covers p. 10 United States: MUSEUM anon
Index Postal Tribute for 'Fiddler' Stamp p. 12 NEVIS: Scott anon
Index Postal Tribute for 'Fiddler' Stamp p. 12 THEMATIC: MUSIC anon
Index Postal Tribute for 'Fiddler' Stamp p. 12 NEVIS: Scott anon
Index Gibbons to Auction Double Overprint p. 14 NEW HEBRIDES: Scott 245a Glen Stephens
Index Gibbson to Auction Double Overprint p. 14 NEW HEBRIDES: Scott 245a Glen Stephens
Index Gibbson to Auction Double Overprint p. 14 THEMATIC: BIRD Glen Stephens
Index Personalized Cachets Produced by Computer p. 18 United States: First Day Cover, Cachets deVries, Lloyd
Index Personalized Cachets Produced by Computer p. 18 United States: First Day Cover, Cachets deVries, Lloyd
Index In review: new Canadian airmail catalog p. 24 CANADA: AIR MAIL, LITERATURE Burnett, John
Index In review: new Canadian airmail catalog p. 24 CANADA: AIR MAIL, LITERATURE Burnett, John
Index Denmark Ladybug [Mar 26 98] p. 28 DENMARK: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Denmark Ladybug [Mar 26 98] p. 28 DENMARK: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Pan African Postal Union (Mar 25 98) p. 28 ETHIOPIA: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Pan African Postal Union (Mar 25 98) p. 28 ETHIOPIA: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Singapore Depicts Animals of the Rain Forest [Jun 5 98] p. 28 SINGAPORE: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Singapore Depicts Animals of the Rain Forest [Jun 5 98] p. 28 SINGAPORE: Scott Denise McCarty
Index New Mexican Maritime Mail Book Published p. 34 MEXICO: Postal History, MARITIME, LITERATURE Pulver, Dale
Index New Mexican Maritime Mail Book Published p. 34 MEXICO: Postal History, MARITIME, LITERATURE Pulver, Dale
Index Malaria Topic on Many Stamps Worldwide p. 58 THEMATIC: MEDICINE, MALARIA Barbara L. Anderson
Index Malaria Topic on Many Stamps Worldwide p. 58 THEMATIC: MEDICINE, MALARIA Barbara L. Anderson