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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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26 October 1998; Vol: 72 Iss: 3652
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26 Oct 1998
Number of Pages:
Vol 72 Iss: 3652
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Index UNPA to Honor Human Rights Declaration p. 26-27 United Nations: Scott anon
Index Diana's Memory Tarnished by Profit Grabbing THEMATIC: ROYALTY Glen Stephens
Index Zoellner U.S. Collection Sells for $8 M UNITED STATES: Scott 568c|United States: Scott 85A Haeseler, Rob
Index Distinguishing Wisconsin Printings p. UNITED STATES: Scott 3206 Baadke, Michael
Index New Varieties of 10c Red Cloud and 40c UNITED STATES: Scott 2175e Esrati, Stephen G.
Index Focus on Forgeries Netherlands Indies 1 NETHERLANDS INDIES: Scott 3 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Perforation Varieties Can Make the Difference United States: Scott 1596d Baadke, Michael
Index Good Time to Collect U.S. 1851-57 Imperfs United States: Scott 5 Jon Rose
Index Planning Can Save FDC Producers Money United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index Mexican War Anniversary Souvenir Covers MEXICO: Pulver, Dale
Index Mohr Says Countries Issue Too Many Stamps PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: Lester Winick
Index New $3.20 Shuttle Stamp and Others Will UNITED STATES: Scott 3261 William Menker
Index New Perfin Catalog: Essential Collection United States: Perfins Graham, Richard B.
Index Line of Airfields Launched Alaska Highway CANADA: Postal History Burnett, John
Index Niger Stamps Unauthorized p. 11 NIGER: aon
Index Lord Nelson's Dog p. 12 GIBRALTAR: Scott 769 Denise McCarty
Index Letter Carriers and Dogs p. 12 NEW CALEDINIA: Scott Denise McCarty
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 32 UNITED STATES: Scott 337 Weiss, Larry S.