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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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07 December 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3658
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7 Dec 1998
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Vol 71 Iss: 3658
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Index Canada Post Notes Free Mail for the Blind CANADA: anon
Index Christmas Seals Include Experimental Design United States: CINDERELLA, SEALS John Denune Jr
Index Computer Billionaire Dell Started in Li DEALER: DELL, MICHAEL Laurence, Michael
Index Confederate Commander Raphael Semmes p United States: Scott 2975i Richard Thomas
Index Customs Hurdles, Pickpockets Plagued Tr EXHIBITION: MILAN 98 Lester Winick
Index Duck Contest Winners; Essays to Be Auctioned United States: Scott RW Bob Dumaine
Index Focus on Forgeries Sharjah 1972 Airmail SHARJAH: Michel 1083-1090, 1 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Sharjah 1972 Airmail THEMATIC: DISNEY, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Airmail Postal History Oddities Examined United States: Air Mail Dan Barber
Index American Explorers Joint Issue [Aug 12 ITALY: Scott Denise McCarty
Index American Explorers Joint Issue [Italy A THEMATIC: EXPLORERS Denise McCarty
Index Brazil, Lesotho Salutes Its Cinema [Jul THEMATIC: CINEMA Denise McCarty
Index Gold Rush Exhibit at Postal Museum p. United States: MUSEUM anon
Index Imperforate and Miscut FOP Coil Has Spl United States: Scott 2915A William Menker
Index Italy Issues Internet Stamp at Italia 9 THEMATIC: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.
Index $1 Million Exhibit Swiped from a New York THEFT: FORSTER Haeseler, Rob
Index National Military Homes Included Post Office United States: Postal History Graham, Richard B.
Index New Wetlands, Eagle-Shield Stamps Dec. UNITED STATES: Scott 3207A, 3271 William Menker
Index Pitney Bowes Now in Computer Postage Rate United States: Metered Mail McAllister, Bill
Index Semipostal Sales Strong; Second Printing United States: Scott B1 McAllister, Bill
Index 'Stamp Collector' Changes Format from Weekly to Biweekly PUBLICATION: STAMP COLLECTOR Schreiber, Michael
Index Stamp Scandal May Involve Prince Rainier MONACO: Glen Stephens
Index Three Countries Issue Cockroach Stamps THEMATIC: INSECT Denise McCarty
Index Too Many Hat Coils Printed with Water-A UNITED STATES: Scott 3264 Robert Rabinowitz
Index Uganda to Depict Songbirds [Dec 98] p. THEMATIC: CHRISTMAS anon
Index Uganda to Depict Songbirds [Dec 98] p. THEMATIC: BIRD anon
Index Uganda to Depict Songbirds [Dec 98] p. UGANDA: Scott anon
Index French Stamp Salutes Human Rights Declaration p. 1 FRANCE: Scott 2688-2689 anon
Index Malcolm X Stamp Elicits Praise, Not Dispute, from Former Critics p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott 3273 McAllister, Bill
Index 33c Envelope Details p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott U642-643 anon
Index Canada Post Appoints Ouellet p. 12 CANADA: Post Master General anon
Index New Manning Appointment p. 14 DEALER: MANNING, GREG anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 14 UNITED STATES: Scott 343 Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagn
Index Scott Releases U.S. FDC Catalog p. 16 United States: First Day Cover, CATALOG, SCOTT Scott Publishing Co.
Index Landmarks [Guinea Aug 21 98] p. 16 THEMATIC: AUTOMOBILE Denise McCarty
Index No Strips from USPS for Sam Coil p. 19 UNITED STATES: Scott 3259 anon
Index Parker L. Haydon 1920-1998 p. 22 DEALER: HAYDON, PARKER L anon