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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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28 December 1998; Vol: 71 Iss: 3661
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28 Dec 1998
Number of Pages:
Vol 71 Iss: 3661
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Index Abstract Expressionism Stamp Will Show United States: United States Postal Service Baadke, Michael
Index APS President Hotchner Won't Seek Second Term PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: Haeseler, Rob
Index Australia's Seven Seas Stamps Sold p. AUSTRALIA: DEALER Glen Stephens
Index Canada to Issue Seven New Definitive Stamps CANDAD: CANADA POST Len Gellman
Index Canada's Free Franking and Official Mail CANADA: Postal History, FREE FRANK Burnett, John
Index Cato Institute Lambasts the Postal Service United States: United States Postal Service Bill McAlliste
Index Change Comes ot U.S. Antarctic Programs THEMATIC: POLAR Pendleton, Steve
Index Change Comes ot U.S. Antarctic Progrms UNITED STATES: POSTAL HISTORY, POLAR Pendleton, Steve
Index Chinese Labels Issued for Local Surcharge CHINA: People's Republic of China (PRC), CINDERELLA Xue Chao
Index Collectors Enjoy International Register POSTAL HISTORY: REGISTRY Graham, Richard B.
Index Columnist Bids Adieu; New Book Hatching UNITED STATES: Scott 18-39 Jon Rose
Index Dealers Given Choice of Different Count DEALER: anon
Index Hellrigl Is President of International PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: anon
Index Much FDC Potential in 1999 Stamp Program United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index New Director Ferguson Is Career Bureau United States: Bureau of Engraving & Printing McAllister, Bill
Index No Denomination on New British Overseas United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott, Machin Royal Mail
Index Postal Contract Called 'A Pig with Lips United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Rate Change: Franking and Stamp Placement United States: Postal History, Postal Rates Pierre Sundborg
Index Self-Stick Stamps for Niagara Falls, River United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index IGPC Holiday Stamp Series Shows Animals AGENT: IGPC International Governmental Philatelic Corporation anon
Index Many Stamps Trace the Pope's Journeys THEMATIC: RELIGION James Carson
Index U.S. Plate Blocks Exist in Numerous Formats United States: PLATE NUMBER Baadke, Michael
Index USPS Drops Ad Series that Ridicules p. United States: United States Postal Service Bill McAlliste
Index Vigiliance Is Best Precaution against Theft THEFT: Lester Winick
Index White House Greetings Lack Semipostal Stamp United States: Scott B1 McAllister, Bill
Index Stamp Facts Update: 1902 Series p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott 309 Brody, Roger S.
Index Holly, Mich p. 6 UNITED STATES: Postal Markings, MICHIGAN, HOLLY Hotchner, John M.
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 19 UNITED STATES: Scott 344 Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagn
Index Mexican TB Seals p. 24 MEXICO: CINDERELLA, SEALS Pulver, Dale
Index Used Canada Scarce in Britain p. 30 CANADA: anon