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Journal / Periodical
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25 January 1999; Vol: 71 Iss: 3665
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25 Jan 1999
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Vol 71 Iss: 3665
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Index Internet Helps Cachetmakers Show Covers pp. 48-49 United States: First Day Cover Lloyd A. deVries
Index Review: Airmail Operations during WWII pp. 18-19 Air Mail: Graham, Richard B.
Index Will Bubble Burst on Press Sheet Speculation? pp. 10-11 UNITED STATES: SPECULATION Robert Rabinowitz
Index U.S.-Ireland Joint Issue Is Feb. 26 UNITED STATES: Scott 3286 anon
Index Britain's Second Millennium Set Features Jet Engine, Bicycle, Railways, Steam and Sail p. 1, 9 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott anon
Index Celebrate 1940s Stamps to Honor 'Citizen Kane,' More p. 1 UNITED STATES: Scott 3186 Baadke, Michael
Index Cuban Mail Embargo Could End p. 1 CUBA: Postal History McAllister, Bill
Index Cuban Mail Embargo Could End p. 1 United States: Postal History, CUBA McAllister, Bill
Index New Locomotive Coil Variety Found p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott 2226var Robert Rabinowitz
Index Collection Made Up of Matching Birth Dates p. 6 PHILATELY: Hotchner, John M.
Index Wizard of Postal News Web Site Turns Out to Be One of Their Own p. 11 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Stamps Portray Early Means of Lighting p. 12 THEMATIC: LAMP Janet Ryan
Index Ready for Another Rate Increase? International Rates to Hike May 30 p. 14 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates Baadke, Michael
Index Ayn Rand at Few Offices p. 14 UNITED STATES: Scott 3308 anon
Index Duane H. Hillmer 1916-1998 p. 16 PUBLISHER: HILLMER, DUANE H. Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 16 UNITED STATES: Scott 346 Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagner
Index Lack of Big Coil Rolls Miffs Bulk Mailers p. 19 United States: COIL McAllister, Bill
Index Postal Administrations Are Biggest Dealers p. 20 PHILATELY: Lester Winick
Index Dyhrkopp Named Chairman of Postal Governors' Board p. 24 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index APWU Ratifies Contract with USPS p. 24 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Mexico's Postmarks of the Classic Stamps Era p. 26 MEXICO: Postal Markings Pulver, Dale
Index Jubilees: Canada's First Commemoratives, The p. 28 CANADA: Scott 50-65 Burnett, John
Index General Worldwide Collecting Still Alluring p. 30 PHILATELY: Lawrence Januz