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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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01 March 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3670
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1 Mar 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3670
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Index Artist-Signed U.S. Stamps; Self-Stick Essays pp. 44-45 United States: Scott RW Bob Dumaine
Index Illustrated Covers: Breweries and Equipment pp. 18-19 THEMATIC: BEER Graham, Richard B.
Index Lunt-Fontainne Sold Only in NYC p. 1, 12 UNITED STATES: Scott 3287 Baadke, Michael
Index Fake 10c 1847s Find Buyers on Internet p. 1, 28 UNITED STATES: Scott 4, Forgeries and Counterfeits Haeseler, Rob
Index Stamp for First Test-Tube Baby in Millennium Series Health Set p. 1, 20 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1850 anon
Index New Official Envelopes Issued Feb. 22 p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott UO89, First Day Cover anon
Index Arctic Animals to Be Released in Alaska March 12 p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott 3292a Baadke, Michael
Index Computer Fosters Classic Stamp Discovery p. 3 UNITED STATES: Scott 119c Laurence, Michael
Index Another Round of Rand [letter] p. 4 UNITED STATES: Scott 3308 various
Index Designer Howard Paine's Tips on Collecting p. 6 UNITED STATES: DESIGNER, PAINE Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Spain 1938-39 Numeral Issues Scott 592-597 p. 6 SPAIN: Scott 592-597, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Stamp-Collecting Surprises Spice Australia 99 p. 8 EXHIBITION: AUSTRALIA 99 Glen Stephens
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 10 UNITED STATES: Scott 349 Weiss, Larry S. & Leon M. Hadley
Index Semipostals Sold: 65.6 Million p. 10 United States: Scott B1 McAllister, Bill
Index Self-Adhesives Sales at 90 Percent of Total p. 11 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Mountain Coil Found on Wrong Paper p. 11 UNITED STATES: Scott 2903, Errors, Freaks, Oddities Schreiber, Michael
Index Belgian Greetings; A Look at the 20th Century p. 14 BELGIUM: Scott 1716-1723a Denise McCarty
Index Ship Ahoy! Canada Launchs 46c Marco Polo p. 31 THEMATIC: SHIP Len Gellman
Index Modern American Artist Alexander Calder p. 32 UNITED STATES: Scott 3198-3202 Richard Thomas
Index Second Theft Is Reported after Stamp Show in Florida p. 34 THEFT: Haeseler, Rob
Index Displaying Stamps on the Internet p. 36 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.
Index Liechtenstein's Post Is Being Privatized p. 45 LIECHENSTEIN: anon
Index Federal Agencies Make Use of Official Mail [survey] p. 50 United States: Scott O Baadke, Michael
Index Yugoslavian Cinderellas [letter] p. 52 Yugoslavia: CINDERELLA Tyler Bowman
Index Lytle S. Adams and Airmail Pick-up Service p. 54 United States: Air Mail Dan Barber