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29 March 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3674
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29 Mar 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3674
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Index Hobby Could Learn from IOC Scandal. The pp. 18-19 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP Lester Winick
Index Not All Signatures on Covers Are Free Franks p. 10-11 United States: Postal History, FREE FRANK Graham, Richard B.
Index Daffy Duck Joins Looney Tunes Stamp Lineup with Special Die Cuts, Postal Cards and More p. 1, 22 UNITED STATES: Scott 3306-3307 Baadke, Michael
Index New Book Tells of Stamp-Collecting President p. 1 THEMATIC: PRESIDENT, FDR anon
Index Fake Gallery Catalogs Supported Art Scam p. 3 THEFT: Laurence, Michael
Index A Sliced Treasure [letter] p. 4 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 177 Steve Dirksen
Index Fake Seaway Inverts Aren't Hard to Make p. 6 CANADA: Scott 387a, Forgeries and Counterfeits Hotchner, John M.
Index Fake Seaway Inverts Aren't Hard to Make p. 6 UNITED STATES: Scott 1131 Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries North Ingermanland 1920 1-markka Planting Issue Scott 12 p. 6 FINLAND: NORTH INGERMANLAND, Scott 12, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Guerrilla Show Bourse Called Off at Stampshow p. 8 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: APS Haeseler, Rob
Index Arnold Machin, 1919-99 p. 8 United Kingdom, Great Britain: DESIGNER, MACHIN Douglas Myall
Index Stamp Celebrates New Canadian Territory [Apr 1 99] p. 12 CANADA: Scott 1784 Len Gellman
Index Stamp Celebrates New Canadian Territory [Apr 1 99] p. 12 THEMATIC: NATIVE AMERICAN Len Gellman
Index Swiss Stamps Feature the Penguin Pingu [Mar 9 99] p. 14 SWITZERLAND: Scott 1041-1042 Denise McCarty
Index Meter Slogans Portray a Variety of Topics p. 16 Metered Mail: Douglas Kelsey
Index Stamp Czar Praised by the Postal Governors p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Delivery Confirmation Service Identified by New USPS Label p. 24 UNITED STATES: DELIVERY CONFIRMATION Baadke, Michael
Index Swiss Stickers for Use on Postcards from Italy p. 24 SWITZERLAND: anon
Index Famous 'Furnace Cover' to Be Sold Again p. 26 HAWAII: Scott 2 Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 27 UNITED STATES: Scott 353 Weiss, Larry S. & Leon M. Hadley
Index Writers Hall of Fame Taps Douglas N. Clark p. 32 WRITER: CLARK, DOUGLAS N. anon