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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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05 April 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3675
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5 Apr 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3675
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Index WWII: South-West Pacific Base Post Offices pp. 48-49 United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index Swiss Stamp to Highlight World Ballooning Record [Mar 24 99] p. 1 SWITZERLAND: Scott Baadke, Michael
Index Trans-Miss Wins Linn's Poll as Readers' Overall 1998 Favorite p. 1, 26 United States: STAMP POLL Baadke, Michael
Index Great Britain to Issue Stamps for Prince Edward's Wedding p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott anon
Index Newly Discovered 90c 1861 Cover to China p. 3 UNITED STATES: Scott 72 Laurence, Michael
Index Old Cover Tells of Abolitionists' Sentiments p. 6 United States: Postal History Hotchner, John M.
Index U.S. Postmark with Wal-Mart Logo Planned for Daffy Duck Promotion p. 8 UNITED STATES: Scott 3306-3307 Baadke, Michael
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 8 UNITED STATES: Scott 354 Weiss, Larry S. & Leon M. Hadley
Index Stamp Distribution Disappoints Fans p. 9 UNITED STATES: Scott 3287 Baadke, Michael
Index Fruit Berries Released Early in Texas p. 11 UNITED STATES: Scott 3294-3305 Schreiber, Michael
Index Four Nations Issue Easter Greetings Stamps p. 12 CZECH REPUBLIC: Scott 3081 Denise McCarty
Index Four Nations Issue Easter Greetings Stamps p. 12 SWEDEN: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Four Nations Issue Easter Greetings Stamps p. 12 FINLAND: Scott 1126 nous48Denise McCarty
Index Four Nations Issue Easter Greetings Stamps p. 12 HUNGARY: Scott 3687-3688 index44Denise McCarty
Index Supermodel Macpherson Unveils Own Stamps [Mar 21 99] p. 14 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA: Scott anon
Index 33c Official Mail Envelope Issued p. 16 UNITED STATES: Scott OU Haeseler, Rob
Index Philippine Collector Takes Hobby Seriously p. 20 PHILIPPINES: PHILATELY Lester Winick
Index Western Swing Musician Bob Wills p. 22 UNITED STATES: Scott 2774 Richard Thomas
Index USPS Restricts Ayn Rand Stamp Distribution p. 25 UNITED STATES: Scott 3308 Baadke, Michael
Index Roosevelt Autograph on Duck Pair p. 28 United States: Scott RW1 Bob Dumaine
Index Charless Hahn, 1919-1999 p. 28 PHILATELIST: HAHN, CHARLESS Laurence, Michael
Index Aland's Most Beautiful Stamp p. 30 ALAND: Scott anon
Index Confederate Stamp Sites on the Web p. 40 UNITED STATES: Confederate States of America, COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.