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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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19 April 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3677
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19 Apr 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3677
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Index Australia 99 Expo Was a Down Under Smash pp. 18-19 EXHIBITION: AUSTRALIA 99 Glen Stephens
Index Spanish-American War: On to Puerto Rico pp. 58-59 UNITED STATES: Postal History, MILITARY, PUERTO RICO Graham, Richard B.
Index Postal Service Flip-Flop Scraps Regional Policy for Stamp Distribution p. 1, 10 United States: United States Postal Service Haeseler, Rob
Index Rand Stamp at Mega Show in New York City p. 1 UNITED STATES: Scott 3308 anon
Index New Linn's Service Searches World Wide Web Stamp Sites p. 1 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER anon
Index Orchids of Canada Booklet Blooms in April p. 2 THEMATIC: FLORA anon
Index Swiss Balloon Stamp Sells Out [Mar 24 99] p. 2 SWITZERLAND: Scott anon
Index Swiss Balloon Stamp Sells Out [Mar 24 99] p. 2 THEMATIC: BALLOON anon
Index Restricted Distribution: Good Riddance p. 3 United States: United States Postal Service Laurence, Michael
Index Post Office Partnership Act Reintroduced into Congress p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index International Rates Will Go Up May 30 p. 9 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates anon
Index John L. Kay 1917-1999 p. 9 WRITER: KAY, JOHN L. Haeseler, Rob
Index Database Includes Scott Numbers, Images p. 12 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.
Index Two Book Rates Now Cost the Same Amount p. 14 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 16 United States: Scott 356 Weiss, Larry S.
Index Sonaran Desert Used Early p. 16 UNITED STATES: Scott 3293 Snee, Charles
Index Four Stamps Show Falcons [Namibia May 18 98] p. 19 THEMATIC: BIRD anon
Index Ireland [Bird Jan 16 99] p. 24 IRELAND: Scott 1114-1115 Denise McCarty
Index Ireland [Bird Jan 16 99] p. 24 THEMATIC: BIRD Denise McCarty
Index Slovakia and Brazil Honor UPU p. 24 SLOVAKIA: Scott 323 Denise McCarty
Index Slovakia and Brazil Honor UPU p. 24 THEMATIC: UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION Denise McCarty
Index Slovakia and Brazil Honor UPU p. 24 BRASIL: Scott 2707 us53Denise McCarty
Index Sonoran Desert First-Day Postmark p. 26 UNITED STATES: Scott 3293 anon
Index Covers Mark Early Australia Airmail Efforts p. 30 AUSTRALIA: Air Mail Rogers, Michael
Index Enjoy a Visit to the Korean Postal Museum p. 59 KOREA: MUSEUM Norman Seidelman
Index WWII Airmail Operations and Metered Mail p. 66 United States: Metered Mail, Air Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index Use Spare Covers to Develop a Date Collection p. 68 PHILATELY: Joe Kennedy