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Journal / Periodical
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26 April 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3678
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26 Apr 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3678
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Index German Forger Owns 1c Magenta Contender; Experts Continue Technical Study of Stamp p. 1, 24 BRITISH GUIANA: Scott 13, FORGER Haeseler, Rob
Index Self-Stick Flowers Stamps Are on Both Sides of Liner p. 1,9 THEMATIC: FLORA Baadke, Michael
Index Self-Stick Flowers Stamps Are on Both Sides of Liner p. 1,9 UNITED STATES: Scott 3310-3313b Baadke, Michael
Index War Delays NATO Stamp p. 1 UNITED STATES: Scott 3354 Snee, Charles
Index Great Britain Stamps Focus on Industries [May 4 99] p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott, Industries anon
Index Online Tool Searches Internet Stamp Sites p. 3 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Laurence, Michael
Index Columnist Appears on Aussie Stamp Selvage p. 6 AUSTRALIA: SCOTT Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries North Ingermanland 1920 10-markka Zither Players Stamp Scott 14 p. 6 FINLAND: NORTH INGERMANLAND, Scott 14, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Circus Wagon Tagging Variety Found on DAV Envelope p. 8 United States: Scott 2452D Robert Rabinowitz
Index Figures Revealed for Desert Uncut Sheets p. 10 UNITED STATES: Scott 3293 anon
Index L.N. Williams, 1914-1999 p. 10 WRITER: WILLIAMS, L.N. anon
Index Yugoslavia Issues Resistance Stamps [Apr 99] p. 10 Yugoslavia: Scott anon
Index Back Numbers on Flag Over City; Stamp Produced by BEP, Sennett p. 11 UNITED STATES: Scott 3280 Robert Rabinowitz
Index What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate p. 14 United States: First Day Cover Lloyd de Vries
Index Tanzania UFOs p. 16 THEMATIC: SPACE Denise McCarty
Index Foil-backed Art Stamps Make Good Collection [Canada] p. 18 THEMATIC: ART Burnett, John
Index Tagged 1c Kestrel Found p. 19 UNITED STATES: Scott 2477var Snee, Charles
Index Post Office Thefts Plague Czech Republic p. 22 CZECH REPUBLIC: THEFT Lester Winick
Index EKU Circular-die Envelope Found at a Stamp Show p. 28 UNITED STATES: Scott U438, Earliest Known Use anon
Index Franklin Roosevelt and Mexican Philately p. 50 MEXICO: Scott 712 Pulver, Dale
Index Stamps Show the Story of Blood Transfusion p. 52 THEMATIC: MEDICINE Wilson, Tom
Index Adhesive Postage Due Stamps and Their Usage p. 58 FRANCE: Scott J1 Graham, Richard B.
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 59 UNITED STATES: Scott 357 Weiss, Larry S. & Leon M. Hadley