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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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17 May 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3681
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17 May 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3681
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Index Australian Air Pioneers Carried Postal History pp. 44-45 AUSTRALIA: Air Mail Rogers, Michael
Index WWII in the Pacific: The 7th Base Post Office pp. 20-21 Netherlands New Guinea: Postal History Graham, Richard B.
Index WWII in the Pacific: The 7th Base Post Office pp. 20-21 United States: Postal History, MILITARY Graham, Richard B.
Index New Definitives for Scotland and Wales Mark Establishment of New Parliament, Assembly p. 1, 26 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott anon
Index Palestinian Stamp Omits Netanyahu [Apr 24 99] p. 2 PALESTINE: anon
Index U.S. Mint Is Marketing Delaware Coin FDC p. 3 United States: First Day Cover Laurence, Michael
Index Coil Clarification [letter] p. 4 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 177-178 John Rundo
Index Some Do's and Don'ts of Stamp Collecting p. 6 PHILATELY: Hotchner, John M.
Index Daffy, Ayn Rand, Victorian Love Used Early p. 8 UNITED STATES: Scott 3306-3308, Earliest Known Use Snee, Charles
Index Folds Produce Bizarre Card Shapes p. 10 UNITED STATES: POSTAL STATIONARY, Errors, Freaks, Oddities Snee, Charles
Index Lichtenstein Award to Gordon C. Morison p. 10 PHILATELIST: MORISON, GORDON C. anon
Index 'Any Service Member' Addresses for Operation Joint Guard p. 11 United States: Postal History, MILITARY Snee, Charles
Index Samoans Lobby for Their Own Postage Stamp p. 11 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Mint Covers Feature New Quarter Coin Series p. 12 United States: First Day Cover Baadke, Michael
Index New Electronic Postage Formats p. 12 United States: Metered Mail anon
Index Stamps Honor Pop Stars from Different Eras [Apr 6 99] p. 14 MARSHALL ISLANDS: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Stamps Honor Pop Stars from Different Eras [Mar 20 99] p. 14 GIBRALTAR: Scott 802-806 nous46Denise McCarty
Index Stamps Honor Pop Stars from Different Eras p. 14 THEMATIC: MUSIC Denise McCarty
Index Yugoslavia Issues Stamps Showing Black-and-White anit-NATO Target p. 14 Yugoslavia: Scott anon
Index to Go Public; Runyon Is Shareholder p. 16 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage McAllister, Bill
Index Groggy Editor Launches eBay Bidding War p. 16 UNITED STATES: Scott 906 Haeseler, Rob
Index Ayn Rand Group Finds Stamp Early, Uses for Mailing p. 22 UNITED STATES: Scott 3308 Baadke, Michael
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 24 UNITED STATES: Scott 360 Weiss, Larry S.
Index 'Vin Fiz Flyer' Card Offered p. 26 UNITED STATES: Scott CL2 anon
Index Olympic Boss Should Do More for the Hobby p. 28 THEMATIC: SPORT, OLYMPIC Lester Winick
Index Using Computer Scanners to Trace Postmarks p. 30 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.
Index Catapult Mail Franked with Meter Stamps p. 58 Postal History: MARITIME Douglas Kelsey
Index Catapult Mail Franked with Meter Stamps p. 58 GERMANY: Postal History, MARITIME Douglas Kelsey
Index Catapult Mail Franked with Meter Stamps p. 58 Metered Mail: Douglas Kelsey