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07 June 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3684
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7 Jun 1999
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Vol 72 Iss: 3684
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Index U.S. Postal Cards and Extra-fee Services pp. 18-19 UNITED STATES: SPECIAL DELIVERY PSGraham, Richard B.
Index Orchid Souvenir Sheet to Be Issued in Beijing [Aug 99] p.12 CANADA: Scott Len Gellman
Index Orchid Souvenir Sheet to Be Issued in Beijing [Aug 99] p.12 THEMATIC: FLORA, ORCHID Len Gellman
Index USPS Has Few Answers for 'Lost Canyon' Mystery p. 1 UNITED STATES: Scott C135 Baadke, Michael
Index Ralph E. Jacquemin, 1918-1999 p. 2 PHILATELIST: JACQUEMIN, RALPH E. anon
Index Semipostal Sold Top 85 Million p. 2 United States: Scott B1 USPS
Index Dummy Flag Over Porch Coil Stamp Used on Cover p. 2 UNITED STATES: COIL, TESTING Snee, Charles
Index Can USPS Destroy All 100 Million Stamps? p. 3 UNITED STATES: Scott C135 Laurence, Michael
Index Can USPS Destroy All 100 Million Stamps? p. 3 UNITED STATES: Scott 398, 402 Laurence, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Estonia 45-Mark Monoplane in Flight Airmail, 1924 (imperforate) and 1925 (perforated) Scott C13, C18 p. 6 ESTONIA: Scott C13, C18, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Fruit Berries Formats, Positions Easily Identified p. 8 UNITED STATES: Scott 3294-3305 Snee, Charles
Index E-mail '5c tax' Hoax Hits Postal Service p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Now It's Daffy's Turn to Be Shredded p. 9 UNITED STATES: Scott 3306-3307 Baadke, Michael
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 10 UNITED STATES: Scott 363 Weiss, Larry S.
Index Mail Boxes in USPS Test p. 10 United States: Postal Markings anon
Index Spanish Sheet Features the Euro Countries p. 14 SPAIN: Scott Denise McCarty
Index Iowa Issue p. 24 United States: Revenues, Iowa Bob Dumaine
Index Italian Issue p. 24 ITALY: Revenues Bob Dumaine
Index Federal Form 3333 p. 24 United States: Scott RW Bob Dumaine
Index 'Glassine Surfer' Is A Good Web Source p. 29 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, INTERNET Sharpe, William F.
Index Guyana to Honor Sidney Sheldon p. 34 THEMATIC: JAPOS anon
Index American Writer Stephen Vincent Benet p. 53 UNITED STATES: Scott 3221 Richard Thomas
Index Kaiser's Yacht Stamps Go to Sea p. 59 MARSHALL ISLANDS: Scott Denis J. Norrington