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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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13 December 1999; Vol: 72 Iss: 3711
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13 Dec 1999
Number of Pages:
Vol 72 Iss: 3711
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Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Itsukushima Mar1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Itsukushima 23Mar1944 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1937‑1945 FIRST SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Itsukushima 3Apr1939 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Gallois, Edme Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OFFICIALS: Honorary: Honorary Patron: Gallois, Edme 1947‑1952 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Directors: Nakamura, Munebumi 1947‑1949: 1947 elected Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 5y whaling 10Jun1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1.20y Hōryūji 15May1947 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 2:2/1) 
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1y Maeshima 10Aug1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Portrait on stamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1947: Tokyo philatelic exhibition ss 15May1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1947: Foreign trade reopening 15Aug1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1947: Kyōtō philatelic exhibition ss 19Aug1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Ultra‑nationalistic stamps destroyed Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Catalog (Roberts and Smythies) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: Literature, philatelic: Catalogs: British territory issues (Adgey‑Edgar, 1946) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: First flights: Tokyo‑Canada 28Aug1947 Section 1: JAPAN